For educators , these events are important to understand the culture . By understanding the culture , teachers can do their part in ensuring students with braids , or even those that practice other cultural traditions , are provided a safe learning experience , free from prejudice . Teachers need to provide opportunities for students to explore these traditions , to embrace their heritage , and to feel comfortable in doing so . By providing cultural learning opportunities students feel welcomed into their learning communities and develop strong bonds with learning that lasts for a lifetime . ~ David Brown
together to reinstate their culture as well as their confidence in practicing the culture they are relearning .
Not only did I gain a better understanding of their culture , but also I was able to meet strong male role models whom I can invite to my classroom to continue sharing cultural knowledge with all the students in my room . From my experience in the Faculty of Education , I have realized it is vital that we future educators become involved in creating the opportunities for First Nations ’ students and families to relearn their culture . ~ Jasmine Kuntz
Cadmus Delorme and Joseph Naytowhow
Our instructor , JoLee Sasaskamoose , shared stories with us regarding her own son . When she would braid her son ’ s hair , she would hear him say things such as , “ Can I just be a boy today ?” and on numerous occasions people in public would assume her son was a girl . The reason behind the braid lies in the culture connected to it . Indigenous communities are reconnecting with their culture and ways of knowing following a history of oppression and assimilation . We decided to host the event to bring awareness and take another step forwards in regards to reconciliation . As future educators , we aim to indigenize and decolonize education as a means of reconciling relationships .
I was overwhelmed by the interest and willingness to share stories and knowledge . There were so many amazing speakers and people sharing their experiences as way of connecting and bringing awareness . The children , who are most affected by Canada ’ s colonized past , just want to feel accepted and belong regardless of cultural differences . ~ Marissa Livingstone
Boys with Braids was a fantastic event that I was proud to be a small part of . I was fortunate enough to work with an amazing colleague and friend , David Brown , to build a teachers ’ package that validates the relevance of the event in classrooms . ( see : https :// boyswithbraids . wordpress . com /) I was happy to assume the role of Joseph Naytowhow ’ s oskâpêwis and to help bless the food for the event ... It was a powerful event and a reminder of why treaty education is so important . It motivated me to be the type of educator that makes every student proud of who they are . We [ in Saskatchewan ] are all treaty people and treaty education is relevant to every citizen of this country . My hope is that we can continue to chip away at the time we have lost and to help revitalize indigenous culture . We owe it to the past , we owe it to the present , and we owe it to the smiling faces of the children that make up the future . If history aimed to “ kill the Indian in the child ” than I hope the future offers a rebirth for the original occupants of our land . ~ Michael Schienbein
Some of the EPSY 217 student organizers of the event .
Grad student Russell Paskimen drummed and sang a song with his children
I was honoured to be a part of the hosting committee for Regina ’ s first Boys with Braids event . Throughout the semester , JoLee Sasakamoose has provided our group several important teachings about the First Nations ’ culture . This event was significant because it provided cultural teachings to ensure that First Nations ’ boys understood why they grow their hair and that we , as future educators , are educated to effectively teach and build relationships with our First Nations ’ students . Through hosting events such as Boys with Braids , we are working
Dr . JoLee Sasakamoose ( Organizer ) and Cadmus Delorme ( MC ) at Boys with Braids
Boys with braids pose for a photo
Student David Brown shares his appreciation of the stories and teaching shared .
Faculty of Education Education News Fall 2015 / Winter 2016 Page 5