“ I was thrilled to help out . It ’ s exciting any time you get a chance to work with youth . They were enthusiastic and willing to learn ; in fact , I was surprised at their eagerness for the kind of education we were offering .” ~ Dr . Michael Cappello
What experiences in particular developed your passion for antioppressive global citizenship education ?
As a middle-class woman from Lebanese , Hungarian , and Norwegian descent , I experienced racism and sexism growing up in Regina , Saskatchewan in the mid-1980 ’ s and 1990 ’ s . I experienced a significant amount of shame in my identity that I did not have the knowledge or skills to confront at that time . These experiences in being treated differently than my peers provoked me to ask hard questions that I would not find answers to until university . I have always had a very inquiring mind especially in considering why things are the way that they are , how people think , and how we come to know or understand our place in the world . It is a natural progression to becoming an anti-racist , anti-oppressive educator and life-long learner .
You are currently part of a U of R / SCIC research team that is reviewing Global Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan schools ? What have you learned through this research ? Describe your role in this research .
It is my role to consider ways SCIC can best support educators who teach Global Citizenship Education in the province . In order to assess this , I needed to learn more about the current understandings of GCE and where there are gaps in knowledge and resources . I designed the research study A Review of Global Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools .
The SCIC , with funding from the University of Regina ’ s Community Research Unit , has completed Phase 1 of a research study entitled A Review of Global Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools . The intent of this study was to find the current situation of Global Citizenship Education ( GCE ) in Saskatchewan schools and compare it to a 1988 study of Global Education done by SCIC .
Preliminary results of Phase 1 suggest that Saskatchewan educators , while teaching many of the concepts of GCE , do not use the term . Likewise , provincial curriculum emphasizes the goals of GCE , without terming it as such . While
Global Education continues to be the predominant term that educators and the Ministry of Education use in areas related to GCE , the goals of GCE are being taught by individual teachers who are interested in the topics . However , more needs to be done to support Saskatchewan educators with GCE resources , training , and formal education .
The 1988 SCIC study showed a variety of teachers ’ responses about global citizenship education and what they needed to teach it in the provincial schools . The main responses were : more quality resources , specialized workshops , university training , and a speakers ’ bureau . In 2015 , those same needs have not changed substantially . SCIC will continue to build on the preliminary results found to date in Phase 2 of this study .
See Phase 1 findings here : http :// earthbeat . sk . ca / for-educators-andyouth / research-on-global-citizenshipeducation /
What are your future educational / professional goals ?
I have recently been accepted to complete a Master ’ s of Education in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Regina . It is my desire to continue creating and participating in anti-racist , anti-oppressive teacher or student-centered educational opportunities in Saskatchewan . I aspire to be a leader in innovative and antioppressive undergraduate and graduate research , scholarship , teaching , learning and service .
What is your vision for Anti-Racist , Anti-Oppressive Global Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan ?
I imagine that Saskatchewan ’ s educational institutions champion approaches to teaching and learning that are based on anti-racist , antioppressive global citizenship education . The following excerpt is taken from a publication from the education sector at UNESCO and it resonates with how I understand the future of global citizenship education in Saskatchewan . The publication is called Global Citizenship Education : Preparing Learners for the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century .
“ In an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world , there is a need for transformative pedagogy that enables learners to resolve persistent challenges related to sustainable development and peace that concern all humanity . These include conflict , poverty , climate change , energy security , unequal population distribution , and all forms of inequality and injustice which highlight the need for cooperation and collaboration among countries which goes beyond their land , air , and water boundaries . In a globalized world , education is putting more emphasis on equipping individuals from an early age , and throughout life , with the knowledge , skills , attitudes and behaviours they need to be informed , engaged and empathetic citizens . And with increasing interconnectedness , for example through information and communication technologies ( ICTs ) and social media , the opportunities for collaboration , cooperation , shared learning and collective responses are increasing .”
I believe that it is a responsibility of educators to understand , identify , and address individual and systematic forms of oppression based on race , gender , sexuality , socio-economic status , religion , age , disability , and other socially constructed categories .
Through SCIC , I hope to create opportunities to introduce educators to select theories , and practical resources and tools that will widen their understanding of the global citizenship education and international development issues , while at the same time enable teachers to critically and productively interact with both their immediate and global educational and social development environments .
Dr . Michael Cappello ( pointing ) wth members of the Youth Global Leadership Team .
Faculty of Education Education News Fall 2015 / Winter 2016 Page 13