Education News Fall2013/Winter2014 | Page 6

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Photos by Shuana Niessen

Teacher-Researcher Profile

Mme Carrie Nicole Vany with students Jeff Millette , Josh Elegino , Alvin Rutera , Deven Dufour and Manni Gilboy-Bashutski

Mme Carrie Nicole Vany , a grad student in the Faculty of Education , University of Regina has been shortlisted for the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies ’ Cynthia Chambers Master ’ s Thesis Award . Her thesis , entitled “ Possibilités pour l ’ intégration du contenu authochtone dans l ’ immersion française ,” examined the integration of Aboriginal knowledge in immersion contexts , engaging in a critical analysis of resources pertaining to antiracist teaching and treaty education in Saskatchewan . The CACS adjudication committee has identified her thesis as one of the top three submissions of this year ’ s competition , noting that “[ c ] onsidering the number of strong submissions we received this year , this is quite an accomplishment .” Mme Vany is currently employed as a middle years , French immersion teacher with Regina Catholic Schools and is a graduate of the inaugural cohort of the Maîtrise en éducation française programme .

Overview of “ Possibilités pour l ’ intégration du contenu authochtone dans l ’ immersion française ”
Mme Vany ’ s thesis discusses the possibilities for the integration of Aboriginal knowledge in French immersion classrooms in Saskatchewan . The study results from interviews undertaken with text-participants with the goal of drawing out information pertinent to the inclusion of First Nations content in French immersion . She begins by highlighting the importance of reconsidering the notion of knowledge ( St . Pierre , 2008 ), followed by the need to re-evaluate the historical narratives of the province ’ s history and underline the value of Tupper and Cappello ’ s ( 2008 ) “( un ) usual stories .” She continues with an analysis of the Office of the Treaty Commissioner ’ s Treaty Kit ( 2002 ) because this is a resource available to all schools in the province to be used as a starting point in the inclusion of Aboriginal histories . To ensure that practical strategies regarding anti-racist teaching are addressed , she also details Wong ’ s ( 2002 ) practical ideas for including the experiences of students of all backgrounds into the teaching and learning experiences in a classroom . Finally , she presents a summary discussion of the contributions of the textparticipants , before a final , more formal synthesis of the findings of her research . As well , Mme Vany includes reflections on some of her personal experiences related to the content presented .
An interview with Mme Carrie Nicole Vany


What circumstances prompted the topic of your thesis ?
In one of my Master ’ s classes , the professor , Dr . Lace Brodgen , had assigned us the task of critiquing an educational resource . I rather arbitrarily chose the Office of the Treaty Commissioner ’ s Treaty Kit . As I worked through the assignment , I began to think about the potential for its use and purpose in my French Immersion classroom , and its potential to act as a springboard for transformative , anti-racist pedagogy . This led to
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