Education News EdNewsSpring2017finalweb | Page 12

S TU D E NTS V OLUNTEER I N L A N GUAGE PROG RAM F OR N E W CANADI AN WOME N ELNG 200 students volunteered in a community-based language program for new Canadian women with infants and preschool-aged children. The program was developed by the Faculty of Education’s Dr. Fatima Pirbhai-Illich and Professor Emeritus Dr. Meredith Cherland in partnership with the Saskatchewan Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC). ab r di oo Education student Jenna Magnusson working with Rasha as her EAL tutor. nat or C ynt hia S chu lt z en joy in g o n e o f th e p e r k s o f siti h er p o on: p la y in it g w h b Page 12