Education News | Page 9
As part of its commitment to Truth and Reconciliation , the Faculty of Education commissioned the ebook resource , Shattering the Silence : The Hidden History of Indian Residential Schools in Saskatchewan . Canadian School Libraries wrote the following praise : “ This outstanding website supports the teacher resource ebook Shattering the Silence : The Hidden History of Indian Residential Schools in Saskatchewan developed to prepare teachers to learn about and teach about the legacy of residential schools and reconciliation . It contains a wealth of resources for adults , youth , children and students , links to professional development , curricular connections and inquiry starters . Although focused on Saskatchewan , resources and understandings presented are universal .” Since being published online in 2017 , the website has had 430,000 views . The website continues to grow as photos from private collections are donated and added to the ebook ’ s online repository . Visit the website and download your free ebook today : www2 . uregina . ca / education / saskindianresidentialschools