Education News Autumn 2021 | Page 18

Faculty of Education | University of Regina | Autumn 2021

Retirement Reflections “ I need to be in the quinzhee , not just talk about it !”


Outdoor education students standing on their quinzhee to demonstrate the strength of the structure . At Moose Mountain , 1984
Following in his mother ’ s footsteps , a teacher before she married back in a time when women had to give up their profession if they married , Nick Forsberg knew he wanted to become a teacher . He still remembers the anticipation he felt when he opened his acceptance letter . While an Education student , he worked hard , fast tracking his program while playing volleyball with the Cougars , and even socializing enough to enjoy the life of a university student . After a very full 3½ years , in 1984 , Nick graduated with his B . Ed . He then had the privilege of going back to his hometown of Chaplin , Saskatchewan to teach alongside his former teachers .
Before long , Nick began his master ’ s degree at Northern Illinois University ( NIU ). Dr . Larry Lang had encouraged Nick to follow in his own steps , to take his master ’ s in outdoor teacher education from NIU . Further , Nick says , “ The people I was reading about www2 . uregina . ca / education / news