Education News Autumn 2020 | Page 24


Bazzul , J . ( 2020 ). Political entanglement and the changing nature of science . In H . A . Yacoubian & L . Hansson ( Eds .) Nature of science for social justice . Science : philosophy , history and education ( pp . 79-95 ). Switzerland : Springer , Cham .
Bazzul , J . ( 2020 ). The waning of postmodernism and the return of ( a materialist ) history . In M . A . Peters , M . Tesar , L . Jackson , &, T . Besley ( Eds .), What comes after postmodernism in educational theory ? Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia . New York , NY : Routledge .
Boutouchent , F . ( 2020 ). Et si Lambert avait raison ? Association canadienne des professionnels de l ' immersion : Recherches en bref . https :// membre . acpi . ca / article / et-silambert-avait-raison /
Bremner . L . K ., Johnston , A . L . K ., Rowe , G ., & Sasakamoose , J . ( 2020 ). Exploring Indigenous approaches to evaluation and research in the context of victim services and supports . Paper submitted to the Department of Justice Canada .
Cranston , J . ( 2020 ). After coronavirus closures , reopening schools demands collaboration . The Conversation . https :// theconversation . com / after-coronavirusclosures-reopening-schools-demandscollaboration-137964 ( Also published with Phys . Org )
Crook , S ., & Cranston , J . A . ( 2020 ). Integrate or assimilate ?: How the policy discourse of Manitoba ’ s school partnerships : A guide for parents , schools , and communities enforces hegemonic understandings of parental involvement on recently-resettled refugees . Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy , 193 , 2-17 .
Daniels , B ., & Sterzuk , A . ( 2020 ). Book Review : Teresa L . McCarty , Sheilah E . Nicholas and Gillian Wigglesworth ( Eds .) ( 2019 ). A world of Indigenous languages : Politics , pedagogies and prospects for language reclamation . Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education , 8 , ( 1 ), 141 - 144 . https :// doi . org / 10.1075 / jicb . 19024 . dan
Davis , S . ( 2020 ). Les élèves allophones en immersion française au Canada : Une revue de la littérature et une discussion des implications pédagogiques et politiques . Association canadienne des professionnels de l ' immersion : Recherches en bref . https :// membre . acpi . ca / article / les-eleves-allophones-en-immersionfrancaise-au-canada-une-revue-dela-litterature-et-une-discussion-desimplications-pedagogiques-et-politiques /
de Lugt , J . ( 2020 , June ). Effective practices for helping students transition to postsecondary education . Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education . doi : 10.1093 / acrefore / 9780190264093.013.1212
Guohua , S . ( 2020 , In press ). Forging ahead with Chinese spirit : Shenyang Blower Works Group Corporation on its way to prosperity .
China : Foreign Languages Press . ( Pirbhai- Illich , F . Foreign Language Editor , [ English Edition ]).
Hébert , C ., Thumlert , K ., & Jenson , J . ( 2020 ). # Digital parents : Intergenerational learning through a digital literacy workshop . Journal of Research on Technology in Education . doi : 10.1080 / 15391523.2020.1809034
Hébert , C ., & Jenson , J . ( 2020 ). Making in schools : Student learning through an e-textiles curriculum . Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education , 41 ( 5 ), 740- 761 , doi : 10.1080 / 01596306.2020.1769937
Koops , S . ( 2020 ). Grassroots , Pioneers , Indigenization , and More : Why Action Research Just Makes Good Sense in Saskatchewan . In K . Clausen & G . L . Black ( Eds .), The future of action research in Education : A Canadian perspective ( pp . 123 - 140 ). Kingston , ON : McGill-Queen ' s University Press .
Kusanovich , K ., & Cranston , J . ( 2020 , May 25 ). The two faces of leadership : An ( ethno ) drama of the principalship . Art / Research International : A Transdisciplinary Journal , 5 ( 2 ), 489-523 .
Lorusso , J . R ., Johnson , A . M . Morrison , H . J ., Stoddart , A L ., et al . ( 2020 ). Graduate student experience in focus : A photovoice investigation of physical and health education graduate students in Canada , Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy . doi : 10.1080 / 17408989.2020.1789572
Manning , R . F ., Steeves , L ., Osmond- Johnson , P ., Furuta , S ., & Carr Stewart , S . ( 2020 ). Teacher recruitment , retention and pedagogical issues confronting Indigenous students and communities in Northern Saskatchewan schools . In J . Reyhner , J . Martin , L . Lockard & W . S . Gilbert ( Eds .) Honouring our students ( pp . 146-163 ). Flagstaff , AZ : Northern Arizona University .
Martin J ., Reyhner J ., Manning R ., Steeves J ., & Steeves L . ( 2020 ) Educational Leaders Building Relationships and Respecting and Affirming Indigenous Identity . In : J . C . Veenis , S . Robertson , & J . R . Berry ( Eds .), Multiculturalism and multilingualism at the crossroads of school leadership . Policy implications of research in education , ( vol . 11 ). Cham : Springer . https :// doi . org / 10.1007 / 978-3-030-54750-9 _ 6
McNeil , B . E ., Oba , O ., & Kalu , U . N . ( 2020 ). Talking back to teacher education and other ( so called ) helping professions : Racialized students share their experiences and we listen . In C . Edge , A . Cameron-Standerford , & B . Bergh ( Eds .), Textiles and tapestries : Self-study for envisioning new ways of knowing . EdTech Books . https :// edtechbooks . org / textiles _ tapestries _ self _ study / chapter _ 31
https :// doi . org / 10.1007 / s42330-020-00080-z
Nicol , C ., Nolan , K ., Glanfield , F ., & Francis , K . ( Eds .). ( 2020 ). Introduction to the special theme on re-imagining the M in STEM : Mathematical actions for innovative , resilient and culturally rich communities . Canadian Journal of Science , Mathematics , and Technology Education , 20 ( 2 ), 175-181 . doi : 10.1007 / s42330-020-00097-4
Nolan , K . ( 2020 ). Expanding the narrow practice of practice : A review of practice methodologies in education research ( Lynch , Rowlands , Gale , and Parker ). Journal of Education Policy . doi : 10.1080 / 02680939.2020.1765534
Nolan , K . ( 2020 ). Better than nothing ? A review and critique of child sponsorship . Research Society and Development , 9 ( 8 ) http :// dx . doi . org / 10.33448 / rsd-v9i8.5574
Nolan , K . ( 2020 ). Conceptualizing a methodology for reframing mathematics / teacher education through a new ( disruptive ) form of culturally responsive pedagogy . In P . White , R . Tytler , J . Cripps , & J . Gerguson ( Eds .), Methodological approaches to STEM education research ( pp . 133-153 ). UK : Cambridge Scholars .
Osmond-Johnson , P . , Campbell , C ., & Pollock , K . ( 2020 , May 6 ). Moving forward in the COVID-19 era : Reflections for Canadian education . EdCan Network . https :// www . edcan . ca / articles / moving-forward-in-thecovid-19-era /
Pirbhai-Illich , F . & Martin , F . ( 2020 ). Fundamental British values : Geography ’ s contribution to understanding difference . Primary Geography , 103 , Autumn , 23-25 .
Spooner , M . ( 2020 , May 26 ). COVID-19 reveals the folly of performance-based funding for universities . The Conversation . https :// theconversation . com / covid-19- reveals-the-folly-of-performance-basedfunding-for-universities-138575 ( Also published with Academic Matters Edmonton Journal , CAUT , Calgary Herald , and University Affairs )
Spooner , M . ( 2020 , Sept . 4 ). Opinion : " Back then " attitudes not an excuse to ignore the atrocities of the past . LeaderPost . https :// leaderpost . com / opinion / columnists / opinion-back-then-attitudes-not-an-excuseto-ignore-the-atrocities-of-the-past ( Also published by StarPhoenix )
Thumlert , K ., Smith , B ., Hébert , C ., & Tomin , B . ( 2020 ). Space is the place : Pre-service teachers re / map cartographic landscape . Digital Culture & Education , 12 ( 1 ), 52-71 .
Triggs , V . ( 2020 ). The colour of secrets . In E . Lyle ( Ed .), Identity landscapes . Contemplating place and the construction of self , ( pp . 103 – 113 ). Leiden , NL : Brill | Sense . https :// doi . org / 10.1163 / 9789004425194 _ 010
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