Teaching is an art that requires special individuals with a passion to go above and beyond their job requirements . With an ever changing set of student needs and job demands , our students graduate careerready and well-prepared to meet the demands of the profession .
Considered one of the top education programs in Western Canada , University of Regina Faculty of Education graduates have been recognized for their ability
Dr . Jerome Cranston as educators and for their
Students in the University of Regina ’ s Bachelor of Education program have four majors and minors from which to choose : Arts Education ; le Baccalauréat en education ; Elementary Education ; and Secondary Education . Working teachers can continue to develop their competencies in the fields they are most passionate about through the Faculty ’ s Master of Education programs .
Experiential learning is the unique aspect of our program that sets the University of Regina ’ s Faculty of Education apart from other Canadian programs with its focus on research , theory , and practice . The undergraduate student internship program , offering hands-on , in-school learning experiences , starts in the first year of classes . A scaffolding degree approach provides sequenced clinical experience — beginning with one- and twoweek field placements , followed by a three-week pre-internship experience , and finally , the internship seminar and a semesterlong internship under the guidance of an experienced educator . This approach ensures students are able to graduate with confidence as they enter the education sector and begin their careers .
Fresh perspectives and new research projects ensure faculty stay current on issues relevant to today ’ s teacher . Educators face new opportunities , challenges , and expectations , from honouring First Nations and Métis histories and ways of learning , to recognizing immigrant and refugee students , as well as integrating students with intellectual disabilities , and supporting students in their development of sexual and gender identities .
The ongoing ability to innovate and adapt is key to the Faculty remaining at the forefront of teacher education within Saskatchewan and across Canada — ensuring that future and current teachers are fully prepared and supported for the future of education . With your financial support , the University of Regina ’ s Faculty of Education will continue to evolve and thrive in the 21st century and beyond . If you are interested in helping us build a community to help students succeed , see pages 4-7 to learn about our advancement priorities .
This issue of Education News highlights a few of the ways in which the University of Regina ' s Faculty of Education is committed to facing current issues . With this issue we focus on our commitment to racial justice and equity .
Dean Jerome Cranston Professor / Dean
Faculty of Education , University of Regina
Dean ' s invited presentations ( Click images to view ) UPCOMING !
Education News | Page 3