Education News Autumn 2019 | Page 24


Armstrong , A . ( 2019 ). Beginner ’ s mind and the middle years mathematics student . Research in Mathematics Education doi : 10.1080 / 14794802.2019 . 1647277
Bazzul , J . ( 2019 ). Becoming or why difference is fundamental to education for emancipation ( pp . 26-49 ). In D . R . Ford ( Ed .), Keywords in radical philosophy and education . Leiden , NL : Brill | Sense .
Bazzul , J ., & Tolbert , S . ( 2019 ). Love , politics and science on a damaged planet . Cultural Studies of Science Education , 14 ( 2 ), 303-308 . doi : 10.1007 / s11422-019-099
Boutouchent , F ., Phipps , H ., Armstrong , C ., & Vachon-Savary , M-E . ( 2019 ). Intégrer les perspectives autochtones : regards réflexifs sur le curriculum de la Saskatchewan et sur quelques pratiques en formation des maîtres en éducation française . Cahiers Franco- Canadiens de l ' Ouest , 31 ( 1 ), 127-153 .
Multilingualism - Langscape Journal , 2 . Available at https :// edoc . hu-berlin . de / handle / 18452 / 21338
McGinnis , A ., Tesarek Kincaid , A ., Barrett , M . J ., Ham , C ., & Community Elders Research Advisory Group . ( 2019 ). Strengthening animalhuman relationships as a doorway to Indigenous holistic wellness . Ecopsychology . doi : 10.1089 / eco . 2019.0003
Melançon , J ., Cantin , C ., Boutochent , F ., & Phipps , H . ( 2019 ). L ’ autochtonisation pour préparer un avenir commun . Cahiers Franco-Canadiens de l ' Ouest , 31 ( 1 ), 1-10 .
Nakutnyy , K ., & Sterzuk , A . ( 2018 ). Sociocultural literacy practices of a Sudanese mother and son in Canada . In S . Shapiro , R . Farrelly , M . J . Curry ( Eds .), Educating refugee-background students : Critical issues and dynamic contexts . ( New perspectives on language and education )
Ricketts , K . ( 2019 ). Creating complex and diverse communities of meaning makers with help from Remington . In B . W . Andrews ( Ed .), Perspectives on arts education research in Canada , Vol . 1 . Surveying the landscape , ( pp . 36 – 46 ). Leiden . NL : Brill | Sense .
Schroeter , S . ( 2019 ). Embodying difference : A case for anti-racist and decolonizing approaches to multiliteracies . Politics of Literacies , 13 ( 1 ), 142-158 .
Shiddike , M . O . ( 2019 ). Engaging faculty in professional development : Lessons from Bangledesh . Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology , 9 ( 2 ), 124-137 . p . doi : 10.5539 / jedp . v9n2p124
Spooner , M . ( 2019 ). Invited Paper : Technologies of governance in context : Four global windows into neoliberalism and audit culture in higher education . Qualitative Inquiry , Special Issue . doi : 10.1177 / 2F1077800419878750
Clarke , P ., Findlay , N ., & King , A-L . ( 2019 ). Indigenization of the curriculum : Smudging , public schools , and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms . Education & Law , 28 ( 2 ), 201-237 .
King , A ., Brass , D . & Lewis , P . ( 2019 ) Indigenizing the Academy : Listen to the Stories . In S . Wilson , A . Breen , L . Dupré ( Eds .). Research as Reconciliation . Toronto , ON : Canadian Scholars / Women ’ s Press .
Lewis , P . ( 2019 ). The Spirituality of Play . In S . Jagger ( Ed .). Foundations of early years education : A Canadian perspective . Toronto , ON : Canadian Scholars / Women ’ s Press .
Lewis , P ., & Hildebrandt , K . ( 2019 ). Storytelling as qualitative research . In P . Atkinson , S . Delamont , M . A . Hardy , & M . Williams ( Eds .), SAGE Research methods foundations . doi : 10.4135 / 97815264210 36754858
Martin , F ., & Pirbhai-Illich , F . ( 2019 ). At the nexus of critical interculturalism and plurilingualism : Theoretical considerations for language education . Language Education and
Pirbhai-Illich , F ., & Martin , F . ( 2019 ). Understanding hospitality and invitation as dimensions of decolonising pedagogies when working interculturally . In P . Bamber ( Ed )., Teacher education for sustainable development and global citizenship : Critical perspectives on values , curriculum and assessment . ( Critical Global Citizenship Education Series ). Abingdon , UK : Routledge .
Pirbhai-Illich , F ., & Martin , F . ( 2019 ). Decolonizing the places , spaces and boundaries of Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education : A critical analysis of SDG 4.7 . Research in Action : Getting to the Heart of the Sustainable Development Goals : The Role of Teacher Education in Prompting Critical Engagement and Action 7 , 20-28 Special Issue .
Pirbhai-Illich , F ., & Martin , F . ( 2019 ). Decolonizing teacher education in immersion contexts : Working with space , place and boundaries , ( pp . 65-93 ). In D . Martin , & E . Smolcic ( Eds .). Redefining teaching competence through immersive programs . Palgrave Macmillan , Cham .
Triggs , V ., Irwin , R . L ., & O ’ Donoghue , D . ( 2019 ). ( translated reprint Japanese ). Jissenjou no A / r / tography wo tadotte : Kanousei kara senzairyoku e [ Following A / r / tography in practice : From possibility to potential ]. ( M . Sato , Trans .). In K . Kasahara & R . L . Irwin ( Eds .), Geijutsuka / Kenkyusha / Kyouikusha to shite Ikiru Tankyu no Houhou . 実践上の アートグラフィーをたどって : 可能 性 から潜 在 力へ ( pp . 119-140 ). Himeji : Book Way .
Triggs , V ., Irwin , R . L ., & Leggo , C . ( 2019 ). [ translated reprint Japanese ). Geijutsukyouikusha no jibun wo sasaeru koto [ Walking art : Sustaining ourselves as arts educators ]. ( K . Kasahara , Trans .). In K . Kasahara & R . L . Irwin ( Eds .), A / r / tography : Geijutsuka / Kenkyusha / Kyouikusha to shite Ikiru Tankyu no Houhou . ウォーキングアート − 芸 術 教育者の自分を支えること − ( pp . 199-219 ). Himeji : Book Way .
Triggs , V ., & Irwin , R . L . ( 2019 ). Pedagogy : The a / r / tographic invitation . In E . Hall & N . Meager ( Eds .), International encyclopedia of art and design education . Pedagogy Volume ( Community , Ethics & Politics ). NY : Wile . doi : 10.1002 / 9781118978061 . ead028
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