EDMG 340 Final Exam APU

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1 . No terror technique is necessarily unique to a particular target . 2 . A majority of terror attacks consist of property attacks : 3 . If dissident terrorists have objectives rooted in particular religious views , then it is possible for other religious groups to become targets for violence . 4 . There is no singular right approach to combatting terrorism . As such a number of approaches have been employed . Some such approaches are :
5 . Efforts to intercept the finances of dissidents are failrly easy for governments to undertake as many countries have in place mechanisms to attrempt to track the flow of financial resources to criminal organizations . 6 . With respect to the policy of negotiation with terrorists -- 7 . Terrorism remains for many state sponsors , a useful an integral tool of their foreign policies .
8 . In terms of the state sponsorship of terrorism , allegations of state assistance in the development of CBRN capabilities of terror groups first surfaced without substantiation in the 20th century .
9 . The effectiveness of national law enforcement agencies in preventing future terrorist attacks is underpinned by the powers that they have under national anti-terrorism legislation .
10 . The most basis measure that can be implemented to contain the CBRN terror threat is the imposition of effective physical controls on agents , materials and production means required in the production of CBRN . The greatest potential for restriction in this regard is in relationship to the access of materials and facilities required for the production of ?
11 . The future threat from CBRN terrorism will partly be determined by the in the 21st Century .
12 . To reduce terrorist escalation of use of violence , all states need to work to increase and weaken the terrorists .
13 . Most terror organizations have difficulties meeting there , but some are able to often achieve an . 14 . is a very real reason for terrorism to continue . 15 . Inherent tension exists between the aspect of counterterrorism policy and its dimensions . 16 . Groups which lack other options and which are as well otherwise weak , often turn to to accomplish their , at least initially . 17 . The most significant constraints on the future threat from CBRN terrorism are 18 . There seems to be little doubt that terrorism will continue to ba an ongoing and in the world . 19 . You are to respond to this essay question in a well-developed multi-sentence
paragraph consisting of at least five to seven sentences that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the question posed . Spelling and grammar are graded .