Editéur Plus Editéur Plus - The Sixteenth Issue | Page 85

W H AT D O YO U T E L L YO U R S E L F E AC H M O R N I N G TO K E E P YO U R S E L F M OT I VAT E D ?  W H AT E N C O U R AG E M E N T/A DV I C E A R E YO U A B L E TO S H A R E W I T H ASPIRING MODELS AND PEOPLE W H O A R E T R Y I N G TO M A K E IT OUTSIDE OF THEIR HOME COUNTRY? 85 I think something I keep in mind each day is that I’m work- EDITÉUR PLUS ing towards an end goal and that I need to stay motivated and dedicated to reaching that goal, and to constantly persevere in everything I pursue and as a person. As Nel- son Mandela said “There is no passion to be found in living a life less than the one you’re worth living” I keep this quote in mind every day. I have travelled abroad a bit and it’s rather tough out there, extremely cutthroat and a lot of pressure. The advice I can give to aspiring models is to never doubt yourself and your ability. Rejection is a constant obstacle in this industry, but never take it on yourself by thinking something is wrong with you. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, as Coco Chanel said, “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”. Stay humble and modest, this is something I believe has taken me very far in my own career. EDITÉUR PLUS / THE SIXTEENTH ISSUE