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z Demonstration of 350 m / m ECL from Balaji ’ s packaging plant in Rajkot

Rajoo & Kohli Extrusion , Coating and Laminating line demo on 29 July

Naresh Khanna

About two years ago , we went to Rajkot to see the Rajoo Engineers and Kohli Industries extrusion coater laminator ( ECL ) when it was new . The demonstration was impressive , and as the flexible packaging industry has grown well in the past couple of years , so has the influx into packaging production of the new Rajoo-Kohli ECLs . To be clear , the advantages of using an extrusion coater laminator are that a thin layer of the chosen polymer can be melted and extruded and to join the two films in a laminate . In addition , the polymer creates a strong bond and a suitable barrier layer that can prevent even odors from coming through a laminate .

The Rajoo-Kohli virtual event on 29 July promises to be an exciting and high interactive event . One expects to see the jointly developed 350 meters a minute extrusion coater laminator demonstrated at a leading user site , and its functioning and benefits explained . The live streaming event and demonstration will start at 330 pm Indian Standard Time from the shop floor of the Balaji plant in Rajkot and use the highly configured ECL running there for the past several months . The experts from the two companies will answer all questions . The registration link for the event is – https :// bit . ly / 3xgeBf8
In a recent interview with Polymers Communique , Balaji ’ s managing director Chandrakant Bhalara and director Pranav Bhalara spoke about their reasons for buying the Rajoo-Kohli Extrusion Coating and Lamination line and their experience in using it . “ Rajoo Engineers is a known supplier , a local supplier with easy access . Attributes that I think are crucial for making such a decision . We need to encourage and promote Indian manufacturers . But , of course , they should deliver on machine performance coupled with pleasing aesthetics and sturdiness .
“ At the outset , I must admit here that I am quite satisfied with the performance of the Rajoo Kohli ECL line . To validate any ECL line , one needs to look at two major components : the extrusion part , which is called the hot part , and the other is the web-handling or the cold part , including anchor coating . Rajoo is already very strong in the hot part , i . e ., the extrusion part . I was aware of that and had seen their extrusion machines and was happy with their performance . The only challenge was the web handling , and my confidence was boosted by the fact that they collaborated with Kohli , and I have known people from Kohli for a long time – the way they work and their machines . So I was confident about the machine , and I am happy to say that at the moment , the machine is running just like any other good world-class machine .
“ The best part of the Rajoo Kohli ECL line is that they are customizable so that you can get the appropriate technology that you are looking for . It is important to understand the typical Indian mindset ; we would want maximum value for our money as a buyer . This sentiment stems from the fact that , as Indians , we value our hard-earned money . Typically , we want all the possible features and more at the most reasonable cost . I am glad that we took the Rajoo Kohli ECL line .” z
Chandrakant Bhalara managing director of Balaji and Pranav Bhalara director of Balaji in front of the new Rajoo-Kohli extrusion , coater , lamination line . Photo Rajoo
25 August 2021 Packaging South Asia