public safety organizations be- ing unable to receive real-time data . network is wireless and allows for mobility , low latency , and reli- ability .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com April 2021 - Edition 54
Also , inadequate bandwidth can affect the ability to access files such as on-scene video , aerial im-
agery , maps , and images in re- al-time .
Significantly , many existing pub- lic safety networks lack ade- quate bandwidth for streaming video from remote cameras to first responders .
This means it can be used to re- ceive and transmit highly-in- tensive CCTV imagery , as well as connecting drones , helicopters , and even covert vehicles .
Crucially , Rajant ’ s pre-deter- mined , high-capacity network can seamlessly integrate with existing communications in- frastructure and allows for ma- chine-to-machine ( M2M ) com- munication 24 / 7 .
For modern security operations , it is essential that the technology used is innovative and can solve these issues .
Rajant ’ s private Kinetic Mesh ®
This technology has been deployed at many large-scale events , no- tably among those is Rajant ’ s in- volvement in the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in 2018 .