Edition 54 | Page 18
step forward . www . AmericanSecurityToday . com April 2021 - Edition 54
What Does the Traditional Se- curity Stack Include ?
Medium-to-large organizations commonly rely on the follow- ing tools to defend against cyber threats :
• Firewall — a defensive measure deplied at the network edge . It allows the organization to apply rules that filter out harmful or unwanted traffic , limit the quan- tity of allowed traffic , and report about traffic anomalies .
• Intrusion Detection System ( IDS ) and Intrusion Preven- tion Systems ( IPS )— intercepts all network traffic and either de- tects threats or actively blocks suspected malicious traffic .
• User and Event Behavior Anal- ysis ( UEBA )— collect information about user activity , identify be- havioral baselines , and look for deviations from these baselines that might signify a security in- cident .
• Endpoint Detection and Re- sponse ( EDR )— deployed on endpoint devices like employ- ee workstations and servers , allowing security staff to identify breaches occurring on end- points , investigate them and take immediate action to stop them .
• CSPM ( Cloud Security Posture Management )— CSPM is used to analyze cloud resources , detect configuration and security issues , and provide repair recom- mendations and guidance .
• Security Incident and Event Management
( SIEM )— allows organizations to capture and