Edinburgh Napier University: ENroute Yearbook 2021 Edition | Page 12

ENroute Yearbook 2020-21
The courses have been greatly valued by both the students who took part , and by the schools themselves , who also see the wider benefits the courses are having on their pupils .
Bryden has worked with Newbattle Abbey College , Dalkeith High School and St . David ’ s High School to create an innovative programme that widens access to Higher Education for pupils who may experience barriers to them following this pathway beyond school . The project has brought several other benefits to pupils participating in it : improved confidence , self-esteem and resilience in our young people ; the opportunity to work with role models from outside of school who have successfully made the transition from school to Higher Education . ( Head Teacher )
The Creative Musicianship qualifications have now run for two years and have so far enabled five participants to achieve places at university or college . We are now about to recruit for our third year having secured additional funding . The Creative Musicianship courses have enabled the development of a further research project exploring the perspectives of all stakeholders who are involved with the qualifications , the findings of which Zack and I hope to publish next year .
References Moir , Z ., & Stillie , B . ( 2018 ) Haphazard pathways : Students ’ perceptions of their routes to music study in higher education in the United Kingdom . In Journal of Popular Music Education , 2 ( 3 ): 199-216 . doi : 10.1386 / jpme . 2.3.199 _ 1