ENroute Yearbook 2017-18
Student Expenses in the New Wave of Computing Modules
Augusto Esteves, School of Computing, Fellow
Books and equipment are two
expenses often overlooked
by students when enrolling
in a university degree. So far,
computing students have
been shielded from some of
these costs, as it is expected
that most of their work can
be produced digitally on a
computer. But as computers
get embedded into everyday
items such as light bulbs, thermostats or eyeglasses, the idea that computing
students require solely a desktop computer to learn and explore the future of the
field is already outdated.
In Playful Interaction (IMD08114) and Ubiquitous Computing (IMD09139), students
are required to prototype different user experiences with smart objects, which can
range from a smart umbrella that changes colour in response to rain, to a mirror
that lights up in response to sound. Following are guidelines based on my teaching
experience with these modules; these should help minimise issues with coursework
that puts a financial strain on students:
• • ensure the recommended reading is available on the University’s LibrarySearch
at no extra cost
• • pair students so they can share split equipment costs
• • establish an upper threshold for how much each student can spend
• • provide information on the confidential advice service available to students
(which includes financial advice).
Finally, I would like to recommend the following actions moving forward:
• • each programme should provide students with a breakdown of book and
equipment costs per academic year
• • the University should offer a service that allows students to exchange or sell
used equipment.