ENroute Yearbook 2017-18
Welcome to the ENroute Yearbook 2017–18
At the heart of Edinburgh Napier’s strategic ambition is the determination to be
academically-led and academically excellent so that the student experience is of high
quality, rich in the learning opportunities that are offered. There are numerous ways
in which we can seek to determine whether we are fulfilling our ambition. Fellowship
of the Higher Education Academy is one set of metrics we can look to. World-wide
there are 109,123 individuals 1 holding Fellowship 2 ; 90,247 of this total are in the
UK 3 . And we are making steady progress towards the Key Performance Indicator
set out in the Academic Strategy 2020. In November 2018, we recorded a total of
over 70% among our academic staff, and we know that there are Fellows across the
University in Professional Services roles who enrich still further the teaching and
support of the learning landscape at our university.
This third edition of the ENroute Yearbook celebrates the achievement of individuals
who were recognised in the four categories which constitute the UK Professional
Standards Framework in the academic year 2017/8. But it does more than this. It
seeks to disseminate the many examples of good practice that are brought to light
during the Fellowship process. As such, the Yearbook provides a resource worthy of
If you are reading this publication and yet to be recognised as a Fellow, you may
wonder why you should come forward. There are many reasons, not least of which
that you are joining a fellowship of committed university teachers who are keen
to share their experiences and expertise to raise our standards of learning and
teaching across the university. Fellowship recognition is a peer-reviewed, externally-
benchmarked standard which values diversity in the practice of individuals who
make a substantial difference to the student experience. And finally, Fellowship has
standing in the UK and internationally.
Congratulations to everyone who has been recognised with Fellowship in 2017/8.
Your contribution is valued here at the Edinburgh Napier University.
Professor Alyson Tobin PhD FHEA FRSB
Vice Principal for Learning & Teaching
1 Correct as at 26 October 2018
2 Fellowship is used here to represent all four categories of
professional recognition
(Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow)
3 As at 30 November 2018, 482 individuals hold Fellowship at
Edinburgh Napier, 39 AFHEA, 340 FHEA, 95 SFHEA and 8 PFHEA
Department of
Learning and