Edinburgh Napier University: ENroute Yearbook 2017 Edition | Page 11

ENroute Yearbook 2016-17
Co-creation for learning and teaching Christine Penman , The Business School , Senior Fellow
Who dares to teach must never cease to learn . John Cotton Dana ( 1856-1929 )
John Cotton Dana was an American librarian and museum director who was passionate about the educational value of the material he was curating . The compilation of my portfolio was a useful reminder that the “ library ” I learn from and feed into my teaching does not only come from scholarly articles and textbooks : it is largely experiential , one built up from aggregated contacts and projects with colleagues and students over the years .
The application process for Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy encouraged me to look back at a number of co-creations and select particular examples : the productive team work involved in programme and curricular design to produce a new suite of modules for our revamped Language and Intercultural Communication programme ; the creation of Online Learning Objects with students on French extracts of Les Misérables by Victor Hugo ; a funded pedagogical exchange programme with Aix Marseille University which allowed our mutual students to benefit from linguistic and cultural contacts and industrial visits in France and Scotland ; the contributions from colleagues across the university to showcase their reflections in the edited collection Innovations in Learning and Teaching . All of these and other initiatives came to be through the will to pull forces with others and try something different . In each case the process invariably raised questions but met its purpose and released energy to move forward .
Penman , C . and Foster , M . ( Eds .) ( 2016 ) Innovations in Learning and Teaching . Merchiston Publishing : Edinburgh Napier University Press