

Edinburgh, being the capital of Scotland, has some great history. The architecture is beautiful and very interesting. However, during the reading of the next couple of articles, you will discover the history behind the construction of the South Bridge and it's haunted vaults.

The South Bridge is the topic for this Dark Edition of Edinburgh History because it is in itself a great piece of architecture despite its many flaws. So many stories and tales have come out of this construction, many of which rather gruesome and scary. Especially from the vaults, which many visitors have said to have felt some kind of paranormal activity. There is a reason for the many ghost tours available in Edinburgh.

The topic was chosen after experiencing a tour myself that I had taken with my family. Being a new citizen of Edinburgh, I didn't know about this dark underworld that is right beneath our feet as we walk on the Royal Mile to Princes Street. After some research, I had discovered that not many people actually knew about the many deaths, murders and crimes commited right where they are standing, or about the supposedly haunted pubs and clubs they frequent on a regular basis. It creates a new perspective that even though can be quite frightning, gives Edinburgh City that extra bit of "life" (excuse the pun) and excitement.

I hope you find all of this as interesting as I believe it to be and hopefully inform you about something you didn't know about your beloved city. Also possibly something to look forward to visit during your weekends.