Edge of Faith November 2017 | Page 2

FEATURES FROM THE EDITOR Troubled Minds Do You Mind? Amy Simpson As Christians, what is our responsibili- ty to members of our church suffering from mental illness? Learn more in this article as we address this sensitive issue with Amy. Tune into any news outlet these days and you will quickly realize that the topic of mental Susan Gregg-Schroeder part of the cultural conversation. By neces- Workshop on establishing a mental health ministry in your church or Christian community. sity, it is (or at least should be) for the church, of Faith Troubled Minds Amy Simpson explores mental illness and the church’s responsibility The God Shaped Brain The Zombie Gospel Danielle Strickland In depth discussion with Christian Psychiatrist Dr. Timothy Jennings “What does it mean to be human”? as well. The Zombie Gospel Danielle Strickland What do The Walking Dead, zombies and your faith have in common? See what it means to be human and how we can learn to walk our walk for Christ. Movies are Prayers Josh Larson Pop some popcorn, grab your favor- ite beverage and relax as we com- pare movies to prayers with Josh. The God Shaped Brain Timothy Jennings In this issue of Edge of Faith, we strive to break through the stigma, mystery and mis- understanding associated mental health issues and the church’s responsibility to take care of their brothers and sisters, even when the sickness is not visible. We approach this Mental Health Ministries health is rightly becoming an ever-greater NOVEMBER 2017 Editor in Chief Michael Porter Senior Editor Karla Probert Marketing Director Anne Porter Graphics Director Matt Kime topic boldly, “for God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” As always, Edge of Faith strives What does a God shaped brain look like? Do faith and prayer influence your brain? Discover how our thoughts affect our physical, mental and spiritual health. to both engage and inform the cultural conversation and view all the issues Art Gallery We invite you to open your mind to new ideas and artists as we ask the question though a multi-faceted and yet Christian lens; this month incorporating the visual arts, cinema, and science. … “Do you mind?”