Edge of Faith June2019 | Page 2

FROM THE EDITOR Transhumanism and the Image of God Christians look to the resurrection to define who they are now and what they will become. Many humans today don’t believe that they have that beautiful of an option. So they search for alternatives. Many have far less defined ideas, and even many Christians get lost in what is human. Jacob Shatzer Today’s technology and the future of Christian disci- pline. The Altars Where We Worship Juan & Stacey Floyd-Thomas and Mark Toulouse The examination of the religious dimensions of six spe- cific aspects of American culture — body and sex, big business, entertainment, politics, sports, and science and technology. Modern Technology and the Human Future “Before you call yourself a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or any other theology, learn to be human first.” - Shannon L. Alder As Christians, we have the advantage of looking to our Creator to help us understand what is human. We need to take the time to understand our humanity and how we use technology in that construct. Are we still using technology to advance, or help us with, our humanity, or is it using us? What is Human? Why do we want to be Human? Craig M. Gay A discussion on how humans develop technology and how it affects them. From the plow to present day. Mirror for the Soul Alice Fryling A Christian Guide to the Enneagram. Psychology and Spiritual Formation in Dialogue Steve Porter Moral and Spiritual Change in Christian Perspective. Poetry A section of thoughtful poems FEATURES “There is some kind of a sweet innocence in being human- in not having to be just happy or just sad- in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole, at the same time.” - C. JoyBell Read on as we discuss the concept of being human and technology and all that we struggle with around this issue. But as you do so, remember our real objective ... Editor in Chief Michael Porter Senior Editor Anne Porter Junior Editor Bailey Williams Design Director Matt Kime Marketing Manager Matthew Philip “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” - Romans 12:2 Michael Porter, Editor in Chief Art Gallery Art featured by Boglarka Zeillei Eva, Alan Payne, Jose Renteria, JB (thru His vessel) and Virginia Payne. All articles in Edge of Faith Magazine explore ideas, culture, and issues that need to be pondered. They are for the reader to consume, assimilate and make an informed opinion. None of the articles are necessarily the opinion of this magazine.