Edge of Faith July 2017 | Page 4

the gift of clean water . Our hope is that you are also reminded daily of the spiritual riches contained in the scriptural record ’ s many references to water , its sources and its forms — especially as they find their culmination in Jesus Christ .
“ We drink water to nourish our bodies . We drink the wine of communion to nourish our spirits , and we are baptized with water as a symbol of transformation and redemption . Just as Christ transformed water into wine , through the cross he transformed his lifeblood into cleansing , redemptive , living water .” ( American Bible Society )
We hope that you are educated , nourished and refreshed through this issue of Art of Faith Magazine . We pray that you will also be moved to find ways to enable global access to safe water and in so doing share the Gospel of the living water through Jesus Christ . “ He will lead them to fountains of living water , and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes .” ( Revelation 7:17 )