During the month of July, Edge Evolve employees collected heart warming items, such as School Supplie
On 18 July 2013 – Mandela Day, the donations were packed and shipped, as Vusa Nyathi, Teboho Diholo
and made their way to Malaika Orphanage. The trip became a challenge as we got lost on our way there,
we walked up the stairs of the old Florence Building making our way to the second floor; our hearts sank, a
children stay in. In spite of everything, children are resilient and their faces lit up as we placed our donation
Brass Band (made up of the elder kids) started playing our National Anthem with the utmost passion and g
blessed we are in our lives and how important it is to have parents who validate the special individuals we
“You have made us proud and our home a proud home. Thank you so much, you have made a very big di
Malaika family relationship with Edge Evolve” said Godfrey Mukiibi, Programme / Fundraising Director at M