EDGE Evolve Yearbook 2013 | Page 12

ensure it was ready for release. The team’s awesome coding skills and passion shed light on the project’s bugs and glitches, to provide a seamless user experience in the first version. They all get five gold stars for their passion and group effort! current management application portal and to integrate it with the TouchPay e-Wallet solution and DataAssist BI. Marks: Classmate passed with distinctions. First semester is complete. But we still have a long way to go. Curriculum: Data Governance, Policies, Procedures, Standards, Data Stewardship The Momentum class outdid themselves. They aced the warehousing curriculum, managing to load several African countries this year! Their grade is an “A” for “Awesome”! The Marketing team’s enthusiasm and creativity kept all our spirit levels up throughout the year. As our loudest supporters, we thank them for providing us with excuses to get away from our desks and onto the dance floor once in a while; the year-end function was a phenomenal success! Class mates: Peet Pienaar Exercise: We were part of the data governance office team responsible for establishing a data governance programme in Vodacom and operationalise it to ensure that trusted data is delivered to the right person on the right time. Marks: Classmate passed with distinctions. Paulo Fernandes Edge Evolve Sales Manager (Teacher) The new kids on the block, the “Sales Team” comprised of Sean Collins and Pravina Young, have made major strides in the Sales Game. They have defined a strategy that is in line with their evaluation criteria and are plotting their moves to implement it. Frances Jordaan DataAssist Business Unit Manager (Teacher) It was an eventful year for the DataAssist class. Early mornings and late nights they worked to complete the first phase of their project and Top of their agenda is scoring points with the other teams’ leaders; and that they know their story and are sticking to it is a major benefit to our school. They will be tackling the New Year head-on to beat the opposition and identify new ways of gaining the winning edge.