EDGE Evolve Yearbook 2013 | Page 10

Teachers Frances Jordaan DataAssist Herman Badenhorst Business Unit Manager (Teacher) DataWave Business Unit Manager (Teacher) It was an eventful year for the DataAssist class. Motto: mornings and late nightsBe kind, but not Early Be strong, but not rude; they worked to weak; Be bold,first phasebully; Be humble, and complete the but not a of their project but not timid; Be proud, butfor release. The team’s ensure it was ready not arrogant. awesome coding skills and passion shed light Curriculum: Workflow, glitches, to provide a on the project’s bugs and Business Process Management, GIS, Business Intelligence, Data seamless user experience in the first version. Integration, Webgold stars for their passion and They all get five Applications, Data Modelling, Solution Analysis, Solution Design, Solution group effort! Development, Solution Training, Project Management The Momentum class outdid themselves. They aced the warehousing curriculum, managing to Classseveral African Bell, Michael Veiga, Tracy load mates: Leejay countries this year! Their Skinner, an “A” for “Awesome”! grade is Craig Krummeck, Vusa Nyathi, Ana Moreira The Marketing team’s enthusiasm and creativity Exercise: Our team implemented an Integrated kept all our spirit levels up throughout the year. Land Information Solution in Nelson Mandela As our loudest supporters, we thank them for Bay Municipality. The Municipality managesfrom providing us with excuses to get away the property data from the information provided by our desks and onto the dance floor once in a the Deeds year-end function was a phenomenal while; the & SG Office, development planning, valuations and rates and taxes units of the City success! and finally populates the Billing Database with the necessary information to allow for effective and accurate billing of the City’s customers. The ILIS solution uses a Geographical Information System (GIS) to define the additional processes and functionality required for the municipal departments to perform their work of maintaining property data in an integrated manner. The departments involved in the project were Town Planning, Corporate GIS, Valuations, Rates and Taxes, Revenue Management and Building Control. Herman Badenhorst Marks: All classmates successfully passed the DataWave Business Unit Manager (Teacher) year end exam and we are pleased with their performance. Motto: Be strong, but not rude; Be kind, but not weak; Be bold, but not bully; Be humble, but not Good bye: Sadly but not arrogant. timid; Be proud, both Tracy and Craig moved on to another school and we wish them good luck with their future. Curriculum: Workflow, Business Process Management, GIS, Business Intelligence, Data Curriculum: Web Applications, Data Modelling, Integration, Project Management, Database Reverse Analysis, Solution Design, Analysis, Solution Engineering, Technical Solution Functional Analysis, Test Cases, Change Control Development, Solution Training, Project Procedures, Software Architecture Management Class mates: Andrew Bell, Michael Veiga, Tracy Class mates: Leejay Cook, Bevynne Maharaj Skinner, Craig Krummeck, Vusa Nyathi, Ana Exercise: Massmart is using the OASIS customer Moreira application developed system to negotiate supplier rebates worth billions of rands. Given Exercise: Our team implemented an Integrated the tight margins, the system is critical to Bay Land Information Solution in Nelson Mandela the successful operation of Massmart and its rebate Municipality which manages the property data department. The objective of from team was to from the information provided the the Deeds & minimise the risks thatthe development planning, SG Office through to Massmart is faced around such a businessrates and taxes units of the City valuations and critical system. and finally populating the Billing Database with Marks: All classmates successfully for effective the necessary information to allow passed the final accurate billing of the with honours. and exam and graduated City’s customers. The Goodsolution is based on using a on to another ILIS bye: Sadly Bevynne moved Geographical school and we wish him good luck with his future. Information System (GIS) as the foundation to define the additional processes and functionality Curriculum: the municipal departments to perform required for Project Management, Data Quality, Data Cleansing, Data Standardisation, Process their work on maintaining property data in an Automation, Data Profilingdepartments involved integrated manner. The in the project were Town Planning, Corporate Classmates: Louisa de Smit, Donovan Eales GIS, Valuations, Rates and Taxes, Revenue Management and Building Control. Exercise: Guardrisk is a short term insurance