EdCal EdCalv47.6 | Page 2

2 EDCAL September 5 , 2016


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significant predictor of better academic performance , and it is true for all socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds .
Absenteeism is a clear-cut predictor of a bleak educational future , which – no surprise – leads to less than ideal career opportunities . By sixth grade chronic absenteeism – missing 10 percent of school during an academic year , or about 18 days – has a direct correlation to students dropping out of high school .
By ninth grade , missing 20 percent of the school year is a better predictor of dropping out than test scores or grades . Dropouts have significantly fewer job prospects , and earn a lot less money . They are more likely to be unemployed , on public assistance , or victims or perpetrators of crime .
The good news is that the converse is also true . Being at school on time , every day , accelerates achievement , increases the chances for higher education , and allows for greater career opportunities later in life .
Poor attendance does not only negatively impact students . California school districts lose approximately $ 1.4 billion per year by failing to get students to school because school funding is based on student attendance rates .
“ Every year , on average , school districts leave about $ 1 billion on the table . That ’ s billion with a b ,” said California State Attorney General Kamala Harris . “ I will tell you what that money can buy : 53,000 more teachers , 2 billion school lunches , 63,000 school nurses , 300 million books . That money can buy a lot of help , but we need to have those kids in school every day .”
There are a plethora of reasons why students miss school . For simplicity reasons , we can break them down into three categories : students who cannot attend school due to illness ; students who will not attend to avoid bullying , harassment or embarrassment ; and students who do not attend school because they , or their parents , do not see the value in being there , and no one stops them from not attending .
So , what can administrators do ? Track attendance . The best way to identify students with poor attendance is to calculate the data that you are already collecting . In addition to looking at schoolwide averages , also look for how many students missed 10 percent of the school year in the previous year . Reach out to these parents sometime in September .
At the end of September , look at how many students have already missed 10 percent – two to three days – and track their attendance going forward . Throughout the school year , recognize good and improved attendance .
Education California | The official newspaper of the Association of California School Administrators
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Attendance Works , www . attendanceworks . org , has created data tools that schools and school districts can use to examine patterns and identify which students are at risk due to poor attendance .
At meetings with parents , drive home the importance of attendance and give them practical advice that they can share with their children .
For example , they can get organized the night before by making sure backpacks are ready with completed homework and necessary school supplies . If kids bring lunch , they could make it the night before . If they buy lunch , they should make sure they have lunch money in their backpack . Lay out clothes the night before .
Ask parents to abstain from making medical or dental appointments during school time . If the only appointment is during school hours , they should send their child to school before or after the appointment . Missing five hours of school is a lot worse than missing one or two .
Get kids out of cyberspace and get them into bed . The night before is crucial to getting kids to school on time the next morning . According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine , school-aged kids need 10 to 11 hours of sleep a day . Not enough sleep limits their ability to learn , listen , concentrate and solve problems .
When speaking with middle school or high school students , let them know that too little sleep wreaks havoc on appearances . When young adults miss out on valuable and regenerative sleep , their blood vessels dilate which is why they may notice puffy dark circles under their eyes . Even one late night can actually increase pimples and acne breakouts .
If there is a serious issue at school that prevents a student from wanting to go , it needs to be addressed right away . Encourage students and parents to speak up about any issues at school and give them ample opportunities to do so . If a child has a serious , or even semi-serious problem , they need to tell someone – a parent , a teacher , someone in the school office , the school nurse , a counselor or other caring adult .
The bottom line : Attending school matters greatly . Chronic absenteeism is a key determiner of high school graduation and continuing on to college .
If chronic absenteeism is not measured , it cannot be monitored or acted upon , so make sure your school is tracking attendance and provide plenty of incentives for students to come to school every day , on time .
As a community , it is imperative to ensure that our kids are ready , willing and able to attend school every day . Their future , and hence our future , depends on it .
Margaret Lavin is director of Student Services in Redwood City SD . She can be contacted at elementarydays @ gmail . com .
ACSA Executive Director , Wesley Smith Senior Director , Communications / PIO , Naj Alikhan
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ACSA Board of Directors President , Ralph Gómez Porras President-elect , Lisa Gonzales Vice President , Holly Edds VP for Legislative Action , Linda Kaminski Past President , Tom Armelino
Members : Eric Andrew , Mauricio Arellano , Randy Bangs , Angel Barrett , Ana Boyenga , Jonathon Brunson , Daryl Camp , Katherine Castleberry , Craig Helmstedter , Linda Hutcherson , Andrew Ishibashi , Darrien Johnson , Peter Johnson , Sue Kaiser , Jon LeDoux , Robert Martinez , Mary O ’ Neil Grace , Elsbeth Prigmore , Rob Stockberger , Roxanna Villaseñor , Craig Wheaton , Denise Wickham , Ron Williams

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How to lead for equity
Lynwood USD Superintendent Paul Gothold talks about his laser focus on addressing equity issues in his district . Watch the video at http :// videos . acsa . org / delivering-on-the-promise-of-equity . Lynwood has been honored for its work to build equity , including earning a CSBA Golden Bell . It will be the site of an upcoming ACSA Equity Institute , along with other sites throughout the state . With equity playing a prime role in LCFF / LCAP accountability , ACSA trainings and resources build capacity for increased student achievement . Visit www . acsa . org / equity to find out more about what ACSA has to offer .

R-19 group takes Restorative Justice work to White House

Three Riverside Unified School District representatives were invited to the White House Aug . 22 in collaboration with the Coalition for Restorative Schools to discuss practices to end the school-to-prison pipeline and ensure equity for underserved students .
“ The RUSD delegation is uniquely positioned because it represents the district ’ s commitment to equity , innovative school site practices and progressive leadership ,” said Ali Cooper , founder of the coalition , which organized the White House conversations . “ Building a national movement around restorative practices in schools requires districts large and small to step up . RUSD is a leader at the table .”
The meeting included senior officials , advisors to the president and other coalition members , including those from the NAACP Legal Defense Fund , Children ’ s Defense Fund , and National Education Association , among others . In 2014 , California ’ s Assembly Bill 420
While the images that may occur when one hears the word “ earthquake ” include an all-star 1974 movie with Charlton Heston , Lorne Greene and Marjoe Gortner in all the glory of “ sensurround ,” or even the scientific hypotheses of California breaking off and falling into the ocean , in truth earthquakes in California are no laughing matter .
Some areas of California are more likely to have earthquakes than others , but all of California is at higher risk compared to the rest of the country . You could be anywhere when an earthquake strikes : at home , at work , at school , or even on vacation .
What we do now may determine our quality of life after the next big earthquake . Are you prepared to survive and recover quickly ?
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was passed to address the disproportionality of suspensions and expulsions of African American and Latino students . The RUSD advocates were excited to bring their successes to Washington , D . C .
“ Restorative Justice is a high accountability model ,” said Riverside Board Member Angelov Farooq . “ This is not about fewer consequences . It is about confronting the totality of what is happening . Our learning environments in the classroom can thrive when opportunities for reconciliation foster greater responsibility .”
Farooq believes local communities need to exponentially grow school-based Restorative Justice practices . As a member of the California Workforce Development Board , Farooq advocates for greater investments in training that create pathways to careers in education for displaced workers .
“ Opportunities to become a restorative practitioner can be a transformative milestone to forge dignity and purpose for the
See REGION 19 , page 6

Earthquake prep event set for Oct . 20

California schools have been invited by Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson to take part in the Great California ShakeOut coming up on Oct . 20 . The gist of this event is to hold earthquake drills and create a sense of urgency about how to be prepared and as safe as possible when one hits your area .
Besides K-12 schools , individuals , businesses , schools , faith-based organizations , community groups , scouts , and others have been invited to participate in this event that has been taking place annually since 2008 . Last year students and staff in almost half the school districts in California participated in the ShakeOut .
Resources , plans and preparation are all available on the web at http :// shakeout . org .