EdCal EdCal v49.4 8/27/18 | Page 6

6 EDCAL August 27 , 2018

Team to recommend updates in charter school law

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson has announced that he is creating an Action Team on Charter Schools to review laws governing California ’ s charter schools , and provide recommendations about any needed changes to the next Superintendent of Public Instruction , governor , State Board of Education and Legislature .
The guiding law for charter schools – the California Charter School Act – was enacted 26 years ago but has had few changes and little comprehensive review since then . In the meantime , California ’ s population and student population have increased significantly , our demographics have shifted , and our education system has been transformed with the introduction of new academic standards and new systems for funding and evaluating schools , Torlakson said .
“ In the past few years , we have updated virtually our entire K-12 education system . Now it ’ s time to look at the key laws governing charter schools , which have not been significantly changed in 26 years , to see how they can be modernized to better meet the needs of all public school students , including those who attend charter schools ,” Torlakson said .
Team members represent a variety of organizations and perspectives , including those of philanthropists , charter schools , teachers , parents and administrators . The


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Bettar is ACSA ’ s Adult Education Administrator of the Year and director of Adult Education and Career Preparation at Rowland Unified School District . He loves seeing adult students and teachers interact , promote and inspire .
“ Students want to be here ,” he said .
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team will be co-chaired by Action Team members Carl Cohn , Professor Emeritus , Claremont Graduate University , and Susan Bonilla , Council for a Strong America .
“ This is a balanced team that will objectively examine issues regarding charter schools with the goal of promoting equity for all students and helping all students succeed in 21st century careers and college ” Torlakson said .
David Rattray , executive vice president of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce , said the review will help California identify best practices regarding charter schools .
“ Students , parents , educators , community leaders and the business community can all benefit from looking at what we ’ ve learned from the charter school movement and public education ,” he said . “ This review provides great opportunity to promote collaboration and improve the sharing of best practices among all public schools .”
California has developed the largest charter school sector in the United States , with nearly 1,300 charter schools serving 620,000 students , or 10 percent of the state ’ s total student population .
Charter schools have to be authorized by a district , county office of education or the State Board of Education . In their application or “ petition ” for authorization , charter schools are required to define specific goals
“ Teachers are motivated to see students improve , advance and succeed .”
It is a true sight to behold , said Bettar , to see ESL students at graduation come up and say ‘ thank you ’ for allowing them to learn English .
“[ It ] really shows the value that the adult learner has for education ,” he said . “ To congratulate students for attaining their citizenship and to see the huge smile on their face as they proudly show off their cer-
and operating procedures . Charter schools do not have to follow all the rules and regulations required of other public schools .
Beginning this summer , the Action Team will meet to review existing research and analyze issues around charter school authorizing , support , and accountability ; recommend specific components of California ’ s approach ; suggest modifications of existing law , regulations , and systems of support ; and make recommendations by the end of 2018 .
The Education Commission of the States will provide research relating to best and promising practices on charter schools throughout the nation . The members of the action team include :

Facilities applications process still open

tificate with tears in their eyes is the reason adult education is the best gig in education .”
Bettar was the third administrator of the Rowland program , which opened in 1971 and now serves about 5,000 students .
“ When I started the staff welcomed me with open arms , but a wary eye ,” he said . “ As I looked at the need of our adults , it was apparent that the school needed to grow . Being an adult educator means being a mix of entrepreneur and salesman , with marketing thrown in .”
The school was renamed Rowland Adult and Community Education , and has received a Golden Bell award for their Community Based English Tutoring program .
“ We instituted ways for staff , both classified and certificated , to collaborate . After many meetings , board study sessions and community input , we put in a new 5,400 square foot facility with classrooms , a computer lab , office space , technology in the classrooms with room amplification , interactive whiteboards , matching furniture . Things that may seem trivial , but it is about the first impression – providing an environment that says to the student ‘ You are important . You are welcome .’”
Bettar has been an ACSA member since he was an aspiring leader .
“ Once I became an administrator in 1995 , I became part of Region 15 , attended the regular Adult Ed Region Meetings ,” he said . “ The network among adult education administrators is unlike any other in education . The relationships that are forged are amazing , the mentoring that adult educators do for each other is unbelievable .”
He was elected to chair the Region 15 Adult Education Committee for 11 years and served on the Legislative Council as the Adult Education representative for
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• Wes Smith , ACSA
• Cristina de Jesus , Green Dot Public
• Terri Jackson , CTA
• Camille Maben , First 5 California
• Charmaine Mercer , Hewlett Foundation
• Ana Ponce , Camino Nuevo Charter Academy
• David Rattray , Los Angeles Area
Chamber of Commerce / UNITE-LA
• Jonathan Raymond , Stuart Foundation
• John Rogers , UCLA IDEA
• Sylvia Rousseau , University of Southern California
• Gia Truong , Envision Education
Good news on the school facilities front . A few weeks back EdCal reported that the Office of Public School Construction was considering shutting down the application process for facilities projects as the available bond funding dries up . Ultimately , they have shelved this proposal for the foreseeable future . ACSA had joined other education groups in strongly opposing the proposal .
Although the governor has not authorized the sale of the school facilities bonds voters approved , the OPSC will continue to accept applications to be put on a list for when funding becomes available .
ACSA will continue monitoring the situation and will urge the next governor to sell the bonds approved by voters so that school facilities can be built or brought up to date .
two years , in addition to being the Adult Education State Council President in 2011 . Today , Bettar remains ambitious .
“ As we look to the future , the landscape for adult education has changed and now that we are part of a consortium and have dedicated funding we are ramping up programs and services ,” he said .
Embodying the 2018 Leadership Summit theme , “ Empowering Innovative Leadership ,” Bettar has spent years polishing his leadership skills with wisdom , creating communities where students feel included and excited to learn . What stayed consistent during his development as a leader , said Bettar , was his desire to think like a coach . He has found that the most successful strategies utilized in decades past are not so different from today ’ s .
“ Surround yourself with those who have talents , help them use those talents , be there as a support , provide an environment for success , and remember it ’ s not about you , but the students that you serve ,” he said . “ You can be the coach , then get out of the way .”
Bettar will be honored at the ACSA Awards Banquet and Presidents Dinner on Friday , Nov . 9 during the ACSA Leadership Summit in San Diego . Find out more at www . acsa . org / leadership-summit .
In a story on Personnel Administrator of the Year Steve Hovey , an incorrect job title was give . Hovey ’ s correct job title is Chief Personnel Officer / Associate Superintendent of Schools , Division of Personnel Services .