EdCal EdCal v49.4 8/27/18 | Page 4

4 EDCAL August 27, 2018 Roach named executive director of NASS John Roach, a long-time education lead- er and former California school superinten- dent, has been named as the new executive director of the National Association of School Superintendents. “I’m coming in at a time where decisions in Washington, D.C. are having a direct impact in our schools and on our students,” Roach said. “Spearheading our national advocacy effort is crucial to guaranteeing that our schools have the resources they need to build our next generation of lead- ers.” Roach served 14 years as a superinten- dent in California. He began his career as a sixth-grade teacher and also served as an elementary and high school administra- tor, middle school principal and associate superintendent. Roach is currently an adjunct profes- sor at the University of Southern California, where he teaches leadership and accountability classes. He serves as a consultant to search firms, as well as companies that design and build schools. He also directs the ACSA New Superintendents Seminar Roach Series and provides exper- tise in collective bargaining and governance for school districts through ACSA’s Targeted Assistance Program. Roach believes superintendents have a unique opportunity to tell the stories of what is happening in their districts and affect national change. NASS’ federal plat- form and the September NASS and ACSA Advocacy Conference in Washington, D.C. offer a valuable chance to have face-to-face meetings with federal decision makers. “We’ve created an agenda that is impact- ful for school leaders,” he said. “In addition to meetings with federal lawmakers on Capitol Hill, we’re bringing some of educa- tion’s foremost thought leaders and decision makers to our members. This is the chance to advocate on behalf of students.” Roach earned a doctorate in educational administration from USC and a Master’s Paid Advertisement degree in English from Loyola Marymount University. He was also a finalist for the NASS Superintendent of the Year award in 2011. The Third Annual NASS and ACSA Federal Advocacy Conference will take place in the Washington, D.C. on Sept. 23-25. This is a unique opportunity for school leaders to come from different parts of the nation to network, engage, hear from edu- cation experts from all over the world and advocate on behalf of students. For more information on the Third Annual NASS and ACSA Federal Advocacy Conference, go to www.nass.us.