EdCal EdCal v49.3 8/13/18 | Page 7

August 13, 2018 Regional action EDCAL   7 ACSA regions are where the action happens locally. ACSA's 19 regions divide the state geographically, allowing the voices of members to be heard at the local level. Each region elects officers who serve as representatives on the state Leadership Assembly. Regions offer networking opportunities, professional development and programs tailored to meet local needs. Find out more at www.acsa.org/regions. ACSA Region 16 leadership and ACSA President Holly Edds celebrate Heroes for Equity at their annual retreat and planning session. Region 16 is excited about the pre- mier of the ACSA ELL Academy and the online Student and Associate Members meetings. Region 7 recently held its Leadership Training for officers and region members. ACSA Executive Director Wes Smith was the guest speaker. The region leaders and members thanked Smith for his leadership and commit- ment to the association. Left to right: Denise Wickham, ACSA state board Member; Deb Rowe, region vice president, Membership; Jennifer Backman, region president-elect; Wes Smith, ACSA executive director; Jeff Winfield, region president; Greg Leland, region past president; Rogelio Adame, region treasurer; Christine Facella, region secretary, and Mary Ann Sanders, region consultant. HULIN Continued from page 1 requires, and then some. After working for 15 years as an elementary school teacher and three as an instructional coach, Hulin has spent the last two years as assistant principal of Sinclear Elementary School in Ceres Unified School District. In 2018-19, he will be taking over as principal, replacing retiring principal Connie Stark. For Hulin, the switch from teaching to administration was a deliberate one. “I wanted to become a school admin- istrator for multiple reasons,” he said. “I believe that teaching children is one of the most important jobs on the planet and we have an obligation to provide the best opportunities to our students. We need to equip our classrooms with the very best teachers, promote their practice, and protect their efforts to ensure high levels of aca- demic and personal success for our students. “Teaching is a difficult profession and I wanted to be a part of the force moving public education in a positive direction,” he continued. “I listened to the late Rick DuFour as he shared that what we do in education is a matter of life and death. I knew what we do is important, but it wasn’t until I heard the facts related to the differ- ences between life as a high school dropout versus life as high school graduate prepared for college or career, how important our work really is. “As an administrator, I have the privilege to share in the leadership of educators to have a profound impact on children.” His commitment to supporting teachers in their work lies at the core of his approach to leadership. This has translated into effective achievements. He began working to implement the Professional Learning Communities model, with a focus on stu- dent data to drive instruction. At the core of this culture is student achievement sup- ported by positive relationships, with effec- tive high-quality collaborative instruction. “The thing that I am most proud of accomplishing so far is bringing the process ACADEMY Continued from page 1 “The Adaptive School: A Sourcebook for Developing Collaborative Groups.” Sessions are designed for leaders to apply the learning as a leader to promote a moral imperative for effective educational prac- tices for English Language Learners. Open source documents will be used, enabling of Professional Learning Communities to Sinclear,” he said. “Last school year was spent building shared knowledge and a shared vocabulary about  PLC. Our staff has embraced the three big ideas that drive the work of a PLC: A focus on Learning, A Collaborative Culture and Collective Responsibility, and A Results Orientation.” “(Hulin) continually develops in-depth presentations and trainings, gathers profes- sional materials for staff to use as resources, and he is passionate in his vision that high-quality instructional practices are the foundation for student achievement,” Ceres USD Superintendent Scott Siegel said. Hulin isn’t one to rest on work accom- plished, looking to continue the work on PLC as well as “building a strong Response to Intervention program in the coming few years. The 2018-19 school year will be our first step on the path to building an effective multi-tiered intervention system,” he said. His day-to-day work ranges in scope from implementing transformational changes in school culture to working closely with custodians, groundskeepers and main- tenance staff to providing a safe and effi- cient learning environment. He regularly visits classrooms, as well as spending time in the cafeteria at breakfast and lunch and being present at the end of the day to engage with students and parents. Though a relative newcomer to ACSA, Hulin has already found value in his mem- bership. “This is my second year as an adminis- trator and ACSA member. I have appreci- ated the support that is provided by ACSA through attending the ACSA Region 7 conference last year. There were presenters that were engaging and provided relevant and current information and strategies to assist other administrators.” “I appreciate the relationships and con- nections I make from attending these events,” he added.   The theme of the 2018 Leadership Summit is “Empowering Innovative Leadership.” For Hulin, this requires both clear communication of expectations, and the freedom to be creative and collaborative. leaders to not only have the latest informa- tion available but also use them as primary resources for providing professional devel- opment. Sessions include access to the core through integrated English language devel- opment, accountability and multi-tiered systems of support, intersection of disabili- ties and English language development and equity and access for English learners. For more information or to register, go to www. acsa.org/academies. “Before I became the assistant principal at Sinclear Elementary, I was an instruc- tional coach in the Sylvan Union School District. I was part of a group of eight newly hired instructional coaches charged with building a solid coaching program. Both Superintendent Debra Hendricks and Assistant Superintendent Laura Wharff embodied the idea of empowering innova- tive leadership. They had given our group of coaches certain expectations and then gave us the freedom to collaborate together and work toward creating a program that would positively impact student learning. “Allowing our group to be creative and introduce new ideas to staff created an energy for work that was second to none.” Paid Advertisement