EdCal EdCal v49.16 2/4/19 | Page 3

February 4, 2019 EDCAL   3 a publication of acsa’s member services and  member assistance and legal support team | volume 41 ACSA committee supports those new to school leadership By Margarita Cuizon-Armelino In 2015 the Bureau of Labor Statistics projected a 6 percent growth in jobs for school principals in the period from 2016- 24. Meanwhile data from the National Center for Education statistics identify that roughly 20 percent of principals leave their school at the end of their first year. The natural question to ask is why? It could be because they are underpre- pared for the job. If these statistics hold true, we have been and will likely be watch- ing assistant principals move into princi- palships sooner rather than later, creating a situation that begs for a greater need to support assistant and vice principals so that they can transition into a principalship successfully and thrive. With this in mind, the ACSA Co-Ad- ministration Committee is focused on providing our members the support they need to succeed. “We are a unique group with specific concerns,” said Committee Chair and El Roble Intermediate School Assistant Prin- cipal Clarissa McNally. “It is imperative to have a support system in place and provide meaningful professional development to our group. As co-administrators, we play an intricate role in school systems and, as such, it is important for ACSA to give our group a voice and determine ways to help and support our positions.” That intricate role includes everything from interacting with parents to evaluating staff, enforcing student discipline proce- dures and supporting district-wide and school assessments, just to name a few. “APs also help to monitor student achievement and school safety, implement instructional leadership, maintain atten- dance, handle IEPs, 504s, and intervention programs and provide student achievement data to staff, faculty and the principal,” said Jer Soriano, assistant principal at Alisal USD and ACSA Region 10’s Co-Adminis- tration Committee Representative. The ACSA Co-Administration Com- mittee’s published purpose includes: •  Educating and empowering co-ad- ministrators and aspiring administrators (vice-principals, assistant principals, deans, coordinators, etc.) in their role as instruc- tional leaders within their schools and communities. •  Promoting networking and increasing communication among administrators and aspiring administrators. •  Providing access to professional devel- opment and mentoring experiences. •  Increasing awareness and the impor- tance of the co-administrator’s role. To provide much needed support to co-administrators across the state, the committee works with ACSA Educational Services staff to design professional devel- opment opportunities such as the “A Day in the Life of A Co-Administrator,” workshop which addresses the specific needs of site level co-administrators. “Assistant and vice principals who at- tend this workshop are exposed to practical sound techniques and strategies that are aligned with the Education Code and give them the necessary tools to prevent tough situations from escalating,” said ACSA staff member and former school administrator Sherman Garnett. “Rather than spending time putting out fires all day, they learn strategies to focus on becoming effective educational leaders.” In addition to the workshops offered to co-administrators, the committee members are also focused on sharpening their skills through presentations about MTSS, vaping and Social Emotional Learning. They are also currently conducting a book study on Michele Borba’s “UnSelfie” Implementing and sustaining high impact learning environments The engagement and motivation of students to become life-long learners is the ultimate goal of education. Without the right space student engagement is severe- ly limited. There are no “gray” areas – the classroom either serves as a supportive and nurturing place to learn or it doesn’t. While this may seem intuitive, this bottom-line concept isn’t always easy for administrators and district-level decision makers to fully embrace. After all, the classroom of old was largely comprised of a chalkboard, podium, teacher’s desk, bookshelves, and individual student desks. “Low impact” in nature, these environments did little to stoke engagement, collaboration, and academic success. They simply served as a passive backdrop for teaching. Impactful learning environment elements High-impact learning environments center on the reality that the 21st Century worker will need high agility and adaptabil- ity in order to succeed. They have to be able to assimilate new technologies, adopt new skill sets, and validate information that they are receiving. Sure you can look up bits and pieces of information online, but effectively sourcing, analyzing, and validating that data – then using it to collaborate with others – is an extremely important soft skill that not all students are acquiring at the K-12 level. that explains what parents and educators must do to combat the growing empathy crisis among children today – including a nine-step empathy-building program with tips to guide kids from birth through college, and beyond. Opportunities to engage provide valu- able networking to co-administrators. “I can’t speak enough about the impor- tance of being able to work side by side with others involved in ACSA, whether they are vice principals or not, to obtain knowledge and information useful to be- come a better administrator,” Soriano said. The group also serves as the voice for their profession, providing input and con- cerns about new or draft laws that impact their job-alike to legislative advocates. “We have provided pertinent informa- tion to ACSA advocates who help fight for or protect our rights as administrators at the Capitol. ACSA has provided our group with a voice in the field and has also created a network of colleagues who can help support us,” McNally said. The idea is twofold: co-administrators can attend ACSA workshops, designed specifically to meet their needs, as well as learn from committee members who bring back what they learn from all these resourc- es identified above and share them with their peers both locally and at the region and charter levels. Lastly, the group’s reach even goes be- yond the co-administrator job title. “The committee’s activities have opened the doors to involvement in other ACSA events such as the Legislative Policy Com- mittee, the Strategic Planning Committee and Leadership Assembly,” said ACSA Staff Liaison and Educational Services Executive Tracy Robinson. “Ideas and input from committee members are shared not only with committee members but with organizations throughout the state.” To learn more about ACSA’s Co-Ad- ministration Committee events and activities, contact ACSA’s Robinson at [email protected], or Rhonda Morgan at [email protected]. Celebrating ACSA Some of the newer members of ACSA were proud to fly the association colors at a recent conference put on by the California League of Middle Schools. And while the physical classroom setting doesn’t necessarily correct this problem, it See IMPACT, page 4 “I see ACSA membership for our district’s administrative leaders as critical to our long term success. It is part of their individual professional growth plans. I don’t think we could move the needle for our students and communities without it. That is why I advocated to make sure the district covers their membership in ACSA.” Brett W. McFadden Superintendent Nevada Joint Union High School District