EdCal EdCal v48.2 7/17/17 | Página 3

Last month ACSA Legislative Advocate Martha Alvarez wrote an analysis of the budget passed by the state Legislature and sent to the governor. The governor signed the budget at the end of June and there have been no changes to education funding. On reaching an agreement with legislative leaders on the Conference Committee, Gov. Brown issued the following statement:
“This budget keeps California on a sound fiscal path and continues to support struggling families and make investments in our schools. We’ve come together on this balanced and progressive budget and I’m confident that we can do the same to extend our critical cap-and-trade program.”
Following is a recap of some of the highlights of Alvarez’s analysis. The full analysis
can be accessed at www.acsa.org/advocacy.
ACSA President Lisa Gonzales
The UCLA Newsroom reports that
middle school students from a range of
racial and ethnic backgrounds feel safer, less
lonely and less bullied if they attend schools
that are more diverse.
In a report in the journal “Child
Development,” UCLA researchers said they
also found that students in diverse schools
– those with multiple ethnic groups of
relatively equal size – had more tolerance
and less prejudice toward students of other
ethnicities and believe teachers treated all
students more fairly and equally.
Professor of psychology and lead author
Jaana Juvonen said the study is the first to
show such a wide range of personal and
social benefits for students of all races and
ethnicities from attending ethnically diverse
“When ethnic groups are of relatively
equal size, there may be more of a balance
of power,” said Juvonen, who has conducted
research on school bullying and bullies for
more than 20 years. “One or more large
ethnic groups will be less likely to exert their
influence over one or more small ethnic
The researchers studied more than
4,300 sixth-grade students in 26 urban
middle schools in Southern and Northern
California with varying degrees of ethnic
diversity. Nearly all of the students in the
study were from middle-income and working-
class families, and they primarily came
from four ethnic groups: African American,
Latino, Asian-American and white.
In the six schools that were the most
diverse, there was no single ethnic group
that constituted a majority of the student
body. Nine schools had two large and
relatively equal ethnic groups and very
few members of other ethnic groups, and
the other 11 schools had one clear majority
ethnic group with a smaller number of
members of each of the other ethnic groups.
Researchers asked the students to rate,
on a five-point scale, how safe or unsafe
they felt, whether they were bullied or lonely
at school, how close they felt to students
of different ethnic groups and whether they
felt that their teachers treated all students
“Bullying likely occurs in nearly every
school, and many students are concerned
about their safety,” Juvonen said. “But our
analysis shows students feel safer in ethnically
diverse classrooms and schools.”
The study’s co-authors include Sandra
Graham, a UCLA distinguished professor
of education, and Kara Kogachi, a UCLA
graduate student in education. In the paper,
they write that U.S. public schools are
becoming less ethnically diverse even as, for
the first time, more than half the nation’s
students are members of ethnic minority
Previous research has shown that school
segregation breeds social inequality and
causes students to be less accepting of
people who differ from them, a finding supported
by the new UCLA study.
The study also found that when students
attended classes that were significantly less
diverse than their school overall, the benefits
of diversity disappeared.
“School diversity by itself is only half
of the story,” Graham said. “To reap the
social benefits of ethnic diversity, instruction
needs to be organized so that students’
classes reflect the overall diversity of their
Research has shown that students who
have positive social experiences at school
perform better academically, Graham said,
adding that diversity enhances learning
because divergent points of view challenge
students’ own beliefs. She encourages
schools to add or strengthen opportunities
for students from different racial groups to
interact with one another.
“It is in everybody’s interest for K-12
schools and classrooms to be more racially
diverse,” she said.