EdCal EdCal v48.15 1/8/18 | Page 3

– Lisa Gonzales ACSA President
January 8 , 2018 EDCAL 3

Changes considered on Education Specialist credential , action delayed

ACSA Commission on Teacher Credentialing Liaison Doug Gephart urges administrators to review the recent study session on the Education Specialist Credential and related issues . The item is expected to be the “ hot topic ” at the February CTC meeting .
The commission ’ s most recent work group spent more than a year to identify needed changes in the Education Specialist Credential that would bring this credential into alignment with the work done to revise the General Education Credential .
Gephart notes the CTC previously approved stand-alone credentials for Visual Impairment , Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Early Childhood Special Education . The commission also took action to expand the authorization of the ECSE credential to include kindergarten rather than restricting it from birth to preschool .
With regard to the Mild / Moderate and Moderate / Severe credentials , two options were presented for CTC consideration :
• Option one proposed that the commission adopt a single , cross-categorical K-22 Education Specialist Credential that would address both Mild / Moderate and Moderate / Severe student needs . Feedback about option one included concern that combining Mild / Moderate Disabilities and Moderate / Severe Disabilities into one credential would water down the specific preparation that teachers would need in order to meet the range of student needs .
• Option two proposed that the CTC adopt a credential that was differentiated by grade bands K-8 and grade 6-age 22 at the lower level of intensity ( mild / moderate ) and a single K-22 credential for students with the most significant needs , currently known as a moderate / severe .
“ Feedback about option two favored keeping the current Mild / Moderate Disabilities and Moderate / Severe Disabilities credentials separate , but included concern about the proposed grade level bands for the Mild / Moderate Disabilities Credential and raised questions about how these two critical areas of preparation should interact ,”


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key component of the dramatic changes under way in California schools aimed at preparing students for college and careers in a rapidly changing economy , Torlakson said . These include higher academic standards , high quality tests , more local control over funding decisions and more resources for those with the greatest needs , including English learners , foster youth and those from low-income families . The system also has a special focus on equity . It is designed to shine a light on the students who need the most help .
The California School Dashboard will evolve over time as data is added and improvements are made . It will be a key source of information for parents , teachers , administrators , and school communities as they develop their Local Control and Accountability Plans , required under the
Gephart said .
Following substantial input from stakeholders and discussion among commissioners , neither option was adopted at the December CTC meeting .
Gephart said that based on discussions , staff developed a third model that attempts to capture an emerging consensus regarding the preparation and interaction of credentialing for education specialists and general education teachers .
Third potential model
“ Model three embodies the suggestions of the various reform efforts , including the creation of a ‘ common trunk ’ of preparation ,” Gephart said . “ The common trunk addresses most , if not all , of the recently revised general education teaching performance expectations ( TPE ).”
Under this model , all teacher candidates would begin their preparation program with instruction and clinical practice in the general education TPE . Candidates ’ knowledge , skills and abilities would develop depth and specificity as they progress through common and into specialized preparation and clinical practice specific to the certification each candidate is seeking .
The proposed design of model three suggests five initial Education Specialist Credentials growing out of the same base of preparation as the general education Multiple Subject and Single Subject credentials :
• Early Childhood Special Education
( birth through K );
• Visual Impairment ( birth-22 );
• Deaf and Hard of Hearing ( birth-22 );
• Mild / Moderate Support Needs ; and
• Significant Support Needs .
The model does not require candidates to earn both a General Education Credential and an Education Specialist Credential . Instead , it relies on identifying critical components within the general education teaching competencies that can also be embedded within the special education preparation program through coursework and clinical practice .
Local Control Funding Formula signed into law by Gov . Brown in 2013 .
The dashboard replaces the state ’ s former accountability system – the Academic Performance Index , which relied exclusively on standardized tests and gave schools a single score . That system was suspended three years ago .
“ With the dashboard , California is shining a light on inequities by identifying the students that need the most help within a district and pinpointing their areas of challenge ,” said State Board of Education President Michael W . Kirst . “ These are students whose struggles would have been masked under a less comprehensive accountability system . And , with the Statewide System of Support , we are providing districts with assistance from California ’ s deep pool of public school experts ; educators who have experience in our classrooms and know best how to address tough issues .”
Within the dashboard , local educational agencies and schools receive one of five
Gephart stepped in when CTC staff suggested several recommendations for commission consideration that included specific proposed actions .
“ Asking , or suggesting , that a commission or other public body could possibly take action during a study session is inappropriate and violates the public ’ s right to fully consider the potential action and provide comment prior to a body taking action ,” he said
On behalf of ACSA ’ s membership , Gephart expressly made this point and asked the CTC to delay making a decision until the February meeting .
“ Wisely the commission , following a lengthy discussion during the study session , elected to bring this topic back for action at their February meeting ,” he said .
In February , the CTC will consider several issues , including but not limited to the following :
• Determine the appropriate subject matter competency that should be required of Education Specialist Credential holders and whether this standard should be the same as General Education Credential holders .
• Provide direction to staff to finalize teacher performance expectations for all of the Education Specialist Credential areas . The draft Education Specialist program standards and TPE will be reviewed once a credential structure has been determined to ensure the inclusion of all competencies necessary .
• Provide direction to staff to finalize the program standards , including the clinical practice requirements . Program standards will be reviewed and adopted once a credential structure has been determined to ensure the inclusion of all competencies necessary to reflect the adopted structure .
• Take action requiring the Education Specialist credential holder to take and pass a Commission approved Teacher Performance Assessment aligned with the revised credential requirements .
For more information , visit www . ctc . ca . gov .

New pesticide regs confuse school sites

California school sites operating in proximity to agricultural operations will be receiving notifications from those operations when pesticides will be in use .
The California Department of Pesticide Regulation and county agricultural commissioners are preparing to implement a new regulation regarding agricultural pesticide applications near schools and day care centers . The regulation will be fully implemented in the 2018-19 school year . The intention is to reduce the exposure of pesticides to students , employees , and parents .
“ ACSA , along with other education stakeholders , has worked with DPR over the past couple years to revise the regulations in order to support their goals while ensuring they are implemented correctly ,” said Legislative Advocate Laura Preston . “ Unfortunately , after repeated attempts , DPR failed to understand the difference between the roles of a school site vs . school district for notification purposes .” Briefly , the new regulations :
• Place a restriction on agricultural pesticide applications within 1 / 4 mile of a school site or licensed day care center ( this does not include in-home family day care ) Mon . –
Fri . from 6:00 a . m . - 6:00 p . m .
• Requires the school site principal to be notified by April 30 of each year regarding the agricultural pesticides expected to be used within 1 / 4 mile of the school , growers will submit notification to DPR and DPR will provide information to the school site leader through CALSchoolNotify . org .
• Creates CALSchoolNotify . org as a dashboard for principals only to access to verify contact information , pesticides notification from growers , and view any current notifications .
See PESTICIDES , page 4
color-coded performance levels for each state indicator for all students and for each student group . The performance standards are based on status – how each school or district fared last year , and change – how much they have improved or declined over time . Schools are rated based on a combination of these measures and assigned one of five performance levels .
From highest to lowest , the categories are : Blue , Green , Yellow , Orange and Red . Because data on chronic absenteeism and career / college readiness will be displayed for the first time ever , schools and districts will not yet receive a color-coded evaluation on those indicators . Using this system , the dashboard identified 228 districts with at least one lowperforming student group across two of the state priorities that have state indicators . Those priorities are student engagement , academic achievement , school climate , access to a broad course of study , and outcomes in a broad course of study .
Happy 2018 ! I hope that you had a relaxing break and that you took some time for personal reflection .
It ’ s that time of year when resolutions and goal setting are often prevalent . In the last decade , I ’ ve found some goals have been easier for me to reach , and others have been ... well ... not too productive . I share this because , as we enter 2018 , there are a few areas where we should all have some goals , formal or informal : happiness , health and living mindfully .
Happiness isn ’ t always about what you do or how you do it , or the role others play in your life . Happiness is really a mindset . We all face challenges that sometimes cause emotional chain reactions . Start by finding the positives , even when they are outweighed by the negatives .
Consider a gratitude journal or app with a reminder that at some point during your day , you need to stop and list four or five things for which you are grateful , even if it is as simple as the cashier at Subway looking you in the eye and saying “ thank you .” Affirm , affirm , affirm . Having a mantra helps you redirect ; similar to the one from “ Rogue One ” (“ I am one with the Force and the Force is with me ”). Ask others for help and let them give you that gift of support .
Exercise more . Can you find a way to walk around the school or department one more time each day ? Commit to be active another 30 minutes each week ? Find a colleague or an app to help you stay accountable ? And put your goals out there . While I don ’ t expect to see you all out running a marathon , signing up to walk even a 5K or 10K , and then telling others about it , will make you more apt to achieve that goal and then celebrate it ! Good health also means good eating , so commit with colleagues to changing the offerings in the candy jar from chocolate to Lifesavers or something else that can help prevent the additional calories .
Finally , we ’ ve all read the numerous articles on mindfulness . While it may feel a bit flighty at first , finding a way to stay grounded and present is much easier than it sounds . Try an app that leads you in meditation for even five minutes a day . When you realize you ’ re stressed , acknowledge it and take a few deep breaths . Take at least one contemplative walk each week where you can take in the sights , smells and sounds . And if you have children , they can join you , and you can model what it means to appreciate and refocus .
Our work is heavy work . Our jobs are incredibly demanding . They take their toll , both physically and emotionally . Its OK to take time for you , and to share those strategies that work with others , so we can be healthy and lead . Our students need you and they need me , but they need us to be healthy . Here ’ s to a year of committing just a bit more to ourselves so that what we have to give is the best we have to offer .

– Lisa Gonzales ACSA President