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CARL MANTON Carl Manton is a long term CEO of Goondiwindi Shire Council and has worked in local government leadership positions for three decades . He is currently undertaking a doctorate investigating full cost pricing and outsourcing by local governments with a focus on Queensland regional councils . Carl has a Juris Doctor in Law and and MBA in Business Law ( UniSQ ).
PROFESSOR JEFFERY SOAR Professor Soar came to academia from a distinguished career in public and private industry where he held senior executive roles including national director of IT for NZ
Police and emergency services , IT Manager for NZ Ministry of Health , CIO in NSW Health and other leadership roles . Professor Soar leads the Health Informatics team in the UniSQ Centre for Health Research . He holds degrees in Agriculture , Information Systems , Sociology , Education and Business .
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BEN LYONS Associate Professor Ben Lyons is the Director of the Rural Economies Centre of Excellence ( RECoE ), a Department of Agriculture and Fisheries-funded research collaboration between the University of
Queensland , the University of Southern Queensland , James Cook University and CQUniversity . He leads a diverse team of experienced researchers investigating what makes rural and regional economies thrive and covering a wide range of topics such as rural workforce , water management , sub-state governance , environmental offsets , value chains , circular economy concepts , regional innovation , and energy transition . Ben has a doctorate in economics specialising in new institutional economics and transaction governance from the University of Queensland .