Dependent ( 5 to 19 years ) representing nearly 20 percent ( 8 ).
The population for the Hume ( inc . Alpine Resorts ) region , as of the 2016 Census was 282,825 . In 2020 , prior to the pandemic , this figure was predicted to rise to 302,557 . This represents an annualised growth rate of 1.35 percent . The largest life stage group for the Hume region is again “ Working Age ( 30-64 years ) which represents 44.8 percent of the overall population , followed by School Age / Dependent ( 5 to 19 years ) representing nearly 20 percent ( 9 ).
Source : REMPLAN Hume Region ( inc . Alpine Resorts ) ( 2020 R2 ) Dataset
The group agreed that housing affordability was the key issue facing in regional Victoria ( 5 ).
The Goulburn Valley rental market is “ in crisis ” and “ very difficult ” according to BeyondHousing Homelessness Network coordinator Janine Sussell . Even for people with a good rental history . There is an increase in homelessness rates , where some contributing factors is the demand outweighing supply , rising rents in the private rental market , and inadequate supply of social housing ( 6 )
POTENTIAL REASONS FOR THE BOOM IN REGIONAL PROPERTY PRICES Anecdotal evidence suggest that city residents moved to regional areas to avoid lockdowns . In addition , working from home made regions more attractive , and retirements plans were accelerated . The extent to which these factors contributed to the boom in demand for regional housing will need to be further examined .
Merran Brown , HR Consultant and Partner of Reddin Group , Camberwell Victoria , offers her insight as to why Melbournians began making life changing decisions to move regionally and beyond . Merran sees the frequency of lockdowns , and the ability to work remotely the key factors .
The families that seem most predisposed to relocate , are those who work in the more affected work sectors and more transient workforces , and least imbedded in terms of rental versus home owners . For example hospitality , travel , retail and hairdressing , have transferable job skills .
The more professional types are also relocating , but are more likely to have the option of working remotely , and don ’ t necessarily need to find a job where they move to . For example , if a couple move to the beach because they prefer to live on the peninsula , one might have the option of new employment whist the other might still be able to operate remotely for the majority of the week . This is evident as more companies are downsizing in office space , and even eliminating offices altogether .
The other thing to consider is the government ’ s ‘ Relocation assistance to Take Up a Job Program ’ : Australians can receive up to $ 6,000 in assistance for relocating to a regional area for work , but only up to $ 3000 for relocating to a capital city ( 7 ).
POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHIC The population of Moira Shire as of the 2016 Census was 29,108 . In 2020 , prior to the pandemic , this figure was predicted to rise to 30,018 . This represents an annualised growth rate of 0.58 percent . The largest life stage group in Moira Shire is “ Working Age ( 30-64 years ) which represents 42.1 percent of the overall population , followed by School Age /
Moira ’ s health care and social assistance industry reflect the older age profile of its residents . A combined total aged between 65 to 75 + years , nearly 25 % of the population ( 10 ).
The 2021 Census data , due to be released in June , will determine the difference in the predicted figures , versus the actual figures .
EMPLOYMENT Moira Shire ’ s top five employers are Agriculture , Forestry & Fishing 19.5 %, Manufacturing 13.9 %, Health Care & Social Assistance 11.7 %, Retail Trade 10.8 % and Construction 9.3 %.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics ( ABS ) reported that Victoria ’ s regional unemployment rate had dropped to 3.1 per cent in January – the lowest of all the states . The national regional unemployment rate was 4 per cent ( 11 ).
Despite this , after the initial shock of the pandemic , the shutdowns and restrictions have affected the hospitality and tourism industries the most . Some have left the industries , whilst other business owners have adjusted business models to suit ever changing circumstances ( 12 ).
For Moira Shire , and many other regional councils around Victoria , there is a challenge bringing skilled workers to the region and retaining them . This is a result from the boom , international borders closures , and a lack of affordable and available housing . However things are looking optimistic . Moira Shire Council , Greater Shepparton City Council and Campaspe Shire Council have recently joined together to become part of the Goulburn Valley ’ s Designated Area Migration Agreement ( DAMA ).