EDA Journal Vol 15 No 1 | Page 24


Sasha Lennon
In my more than 25 years consulting throughout Australia in the field of regional economic development , I ’ ve been struck by the often unassuming but powerful role that culture , and specifically the arts and creative industries play in the contribution they make to a region ’ s ‘ socio-economic architecture ’. Eclectic by nature and often small in scale , the arts and creative industries are essential for the way they define a region ’ s character and the contribution they make to its appeal as a place in which to live , work and invest .
Where I ’ ve found arts and creative industries to be particularly powerful in the contribution they make to economic development and community wellbeing , is in Indigenous communities . Art and culture and the creative industries are intrinsically linked with Indigenous economic development . As is the case for regional economies more broadly , efforts to help Indigenous communities prosper are most successful when they capitalise on existing comparative and competitive attributes and advantages .
‘ INDIGENOUS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ’ DEFINED ‘ Indigenous economic development ’ refers to the involvement of Indigenous people in employment , business , asset and wealth creation in the communities and regions where they live . Realising the potential of Indigenous businesses is important for Indigenous communities and the regions in which they operate more broadly . Indigenous enterprise development can help engender a greater culture of employment and social contribution within local communities and foster an environment which supports further innovation and opportunity by inspiring the next generation of Indigenous business owners .
Indigenous business development leads to employment creation . Indigenous businesses are over 100 times more likely to hire Indigenous workers than non- Indigenous businesses . Many also make significant contributions to the community , such as the provision of pro-bono advice and support , or sponsorship of local sports teams and cultural events . In turn , successful Indigenous businesses can create a ‘ multiplier effect ’ that in itself can foster further economic development and wealth creation .
One place where I ’ ve seen the successful design and implementation of Indigenous
VOL 15 NO 1 2022 24 www . edaustralia . com . au