EDA Journal Vol 11. No.2 Summer 2018 | Page 2

JOIN US AT www.edaustralia.com.au as we connect, drive the discussion, share knowledge and raise the performance of economic development throughout Australia. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUSTRALIA Established in 2007, EDA is the peak national body for economic development practitioners, strengthening and promoting economic development through state and national events, professional development, advocacy and member support. 10 ways Economic Development Australia offers members a vast array of benefits and opportunities to: 1. 2. 3. Boost your knowledge, skills 4. and practice 5. 6. Drive the 7. development of policy 8. 9. 10. Connect with your industry and raise your visibility to get the most from your membership: Boost skills and knowledge through a range of professional development conferences, webinars, training workshops and masterclasses. Build networks, connections and professional support through State Practitioner Network (SPN) functions and events. Engage in on-line forums offering resources and peer support from fellow economic development practitioners across Australia. Shine a national spotlight on your work by entering the Economic Development Awards for Excellence. Apply for an EDA International Study Tour to gain world class professional development, valued up to $5,000. Boost your career by becoming an EDA accredited economic development practitioner. Recruit professionals, source a consultant or find your next exciting role through EDA’s network. Connect, learn and set the direction of economic development at EDA’s National Economic Development Conference. Raise your visibility by presenting at EDA’s National Economic Development Conference. Drive the development of EDA in your state by joining a SPN management committee and contribute to economic development policy development and advocacy. New corporate membership offers unlimited access to member benefits for your organisation [email protected]