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Excessive (commercial) storage, such as canning, preserving,
freezing, artificial ripening, etc., causing depletion or complete
destruction of vitamins, enzymes, plant hormones, etc. and
creating biocidic foods.
Artificial, synthetic additives, such as chemical preservatives,
anti-oxidants, humectants, emulsifiers, colorings, etc., are
extremely dangerous and may even be carcinogenic. All these
foods are biocidic and pathogenic; there is no such thing as a
"safe" or "harmless" quantity of these chemical substances.
And do not expect the label to reveal the whole truth about what
artificial substances and chemical additives may be contained
inside a can, package or container. Every food which is
commercially processed in any way may be considered to
contain additives of some kind.
Artificial substitutes of natural foods are not only biostatic, but
may be biocidic.