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depends on the child’s age. In infants, the patches that discharge
oozing fluid can be found on the face, scalp, body folds, feet, diaper
area, and hands. But as we discussed earlier, it is the face and scalp
that shows most of these patches in babies.
Once the baby is old enough to crawl, the patches may spread up to
the neck and trunk. When the baby grows older, the patches can
usually be found on the wrist, back neck, ankles, back of the knee,
and inside of the elbows. Although these are the usual locations,
there can be exceptions as well. When the child is older, the nature of
the patch turns in to a dark (leather like) patch which has a higher
thickness. This is usually caused by the constant scratching or
rubbing of patches.
Usually the lesions of atopic dermatitis are subjected to constant
itching, or in medical terms, intense pruritus. If a child is suffering
from atopic dermatitis, then the sensitivity to itching increases. As an
example, if a child with eczema is exposed to substance which
creates itching sensation, he/she will start itching before a child
without eczema does. Pruritus has a high negative impact on the