Charlotte Johnson TAIGA -‐ riffic !
[� Large ecoregion in east Russia [� 1,505,700 miles squared [� Climate : subarctic ( tropical deciduous – shedding leaves and coniferous ); high continentally ( 40 degrees to -‐ 62 degrees )
[� Winters tend to be long and dry and very cold . Summers are temperate and usually quite warm for a northerly region
[� Topography : wide , flat plains with karst topography ; contrasted to the west of Siberia which has wet bogs and wetland areas . Drunken Forest , when the permafrost thaws , nearby trees with very short roots to lean in a depression
[� Flora : vast , dense forests with Cranberry and Bilberry bushes dominating ; pine forests composed of birch and poplar and there is the Angarra River basin [� Fauna : brown bears , Eurasian wolf and moose / reindeer ; Siberian Tiger [� Conservation status à� protected but is listed as ‘ relatively stable / intact ’ Main Threats : poaching and clear -‐ cut logging in the southern and central portions of the region ; protected by WWF however , the diversity of the taiga ecosystem is not completely represented and protected areas are located far apart à� animal species will soon disappear and become extinct due to human hunting
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THREAT -‐ Hydroelectric power : damaging water systems , affecting flow patterns and disrupting the landscape / more awareness of the negative effects of hydroelectric power STRATEGY – People should inform themselves of human impacts and the dangers that can affect the biome . More advertising and awareness needs to be distributed . THREAT – Deforestation : Humans need wood and therefore trees are chopped down to be used as pulp and paper ; animals lose their habitats and have no where else to live STRATEGY – Parts of the Taiga are being protected by organisations to save the trees ; recycling paper can reduce the amount of logging for trees ; more awareness through websites such as WWF are promoting the protection of Taiga regions THREAT – poaching of moose and reindeer STRATEGY – enforce laws that restrict poachers ( especially without a license to partake in that activity ); placing logistical support and assistance on the ground within the forest ecosystems so there is constant monitoring ; patrolling and monitoring THREAT – Clear cut logging STRATEGY – choosing to partake in selective logging as well as making a conscientious effort to reforest and replenish
TAIGA ’ s and their contribution to the world à�
[� The glaciers that melt during the summer provide fresh water to approximately 40 % of all people on earth