Eco-friendly; Slow Fashion; Ethical; Low Carbon; Ultimate Shopping Experiences; Unique Adventures; In-depth Explorations; Comfort; Privacy; Health; Wellness; Exclusive; Creative; Inspiring; Charitable; Enrichment; Deep Lasting Impression; Hard to Find; Not Generally Available to the Public; Savvy; Elite; Luxurious; Upscale; International, Business, Leisure; Organic; entertainment.
Eco Luxury Rewards (ELR) Program
High-spending luxury consumers respond to true quality rewards that are tailored to them. It's really not solely about the product, service or trip - it's about the experience and shared value to all.
The ELR program is designed to serve Eco-friendly - Eco-conscious wealthy individuals and families; Firms; Professionals; Charities; Foundations; and Non-profits.
We deliver Eco Innovation, High Quality, Shared Value
Eco Conscious
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Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. Vivamus id ipsum sit amet massa con-sectetur porta. Class aptent taciti soci-osqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Prae-sent dignissim ultrices neque. Aliquam auctor congue nunc sed interdum. Aen-
A Call for Entries -
Eco Design Challenge 2014-17
Challenge 2014-17
Innovation Center for Eco Design (ICED) calls for entries to designers around the planet to take part in the Eco Design Challenge 2014-17. The deadline for 2014 contest application submission is October 15, 2013.
The awards will be presented to the top finishers in February 2014, during third annual international Eco Commerce conference in Atlanta.
Winners will be featured in EcoRunway lifestyle show series during 2014-17. Judging is based on creativity, effectiveness, practicality, as well as ethical business & design standards. is a fast growing international B2B community creating awareness of Eco Lifestyle, and expanding its reach to more designers to inform and unite designers of all disciplines of Eco Design & Lifestyle.