focus is providing basic needs such as school supplies , food and clothing . Third is a focus on providing positive adult role models through service as mentors , morning greeters , and lunch buddies . The final focal point is advocacy for the public school system . The North Carolina Conference estimates that 80 % of their congregations have developed partnerships with one or more of their local schools .
“ It has always been part of the Methodist practices to advocate and care for marginalized persons including the ill , impoverished , and displaced individuals and communities .”
Advocacy It has always been part of the Methodist practices to advocate and care for marginalized persons including the ill , impoverished , and displaced individuals and communities . John Wesley and early Methodists in Oxford participated in regular Christian practices , or means of grace , to care for others . One aspect of these regular , mostly weekly , practices was to visit local prisons . Historically the role of Methodists to support incarcerated persons was limited to the pastor visiting the incarcerated , offering worship and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ .
Over the years Methodist involvement with incarcerated persons has evolved to support individuals as they attempt a healthy re-entry into society . Hope Restorations is a Methodist program in Kinston , North Carolina . The mission of Hope Restorations , Inc . is to :
Provide paid employment , training , and other support to adults recovering from addictions or incarceration . The work we provide involves acquiring deteriorating houses in our community and renovating them to more modern standards in order to provide safe , affordable , energy-efficient housing for lower-income families . 8
This program operates on the principle that everyone deserves a second chance at life . Although the pairing together of home restoration with those who are attempting to re-enter society might appear to be counterintuitive , the pastor who directs the program says it is a natural fit . The pastor describes the moment when the participants make the personal connection with the restoration work that they are doing in the home . Pastor Chris Jenkins says , “ As these men see an old house come back to life through their labor , they realize they can be restored , too .” To date , 115 adults recovering from incarceration and addiction have been served , 25 families are now living in affordable and energy efficient homes , and another four renovation projects are currently in progress . All of this transformation is a direct result of a local Methodist pastor and congregation that are living out callings to make a positive contribution to their community .
8 http :// hoperestorationsnc . org / wp-content / uploads / 2019 / 11 / Hope-Restorations-Handout- Revised . pdf