Econ Portafolio 1 | Page 11

Before this simulation I had no prior experience on the stock market. I actually did not know what the stock market was or what was it for.

I think that I did a really good job in Investopedia. On one day I was number one but I ended up in tenth place. But I think that from that I learned how volatile and risky is the stock market, one day you are in the top and another you are on the bottom.

I would not invest my money in the market because I do not feel really secure and safe about it but if I practiced a little more I would do it.

I have a friend that invests his money in the stock market. His name is Juan Pablo Agnesi and he helped me in the competition. He helped me understand how the stock market works and he showed me that you can make a living out of it. He told me to invest it in the stock market but I am staying with regular bank investing style.

Reflexion on simulation