ecology EcologyofEverydayLife | Page 3

CONTENTS Acknowledgements vii Introduction: Ecology and Desire Part I TIie DesIre 1 foR Nature 1 Rescuing Lady Nature: Ecology and the Cult of the Romantic 13 2 Hie Reach for the Ecological: From Body Politics to a Social Ecofeminism 39 Part II TPie Nature of DesIre 3 The Nature of Social Desire: Social Anarchism, Feminism, and (lie Desire to be Social 69 4 The Five Fingers of Social Desire: The Dimensions of die Socio-Erotic Part III 91 TowarcI a SocIaI DesIre foR Nature 5 The Joys of Life: The Natural Evolution of Social Desire 123 6 Illustrative Opposition: Drawing the Revolutionary out of the Ecological 149 Postscript Index 172 175