Ecological Health Report (2nd Annual) 2022 | Page 9


Ecological Health is defined as the comprehensive integrity of natural habitats within the Kiawah River watershed that provide suitable conditions for the long-term viability of living and non-living components . This includes indicators of diversity , numbers , and condition of living organisms , the complexity of the food web involved , and the quality of the air , soil , and water that make up the ecosystem .
The Kiawah Conservancy ’ s goal is to understand the inter-relationships of the living and non-living components of ecosystems within the Kiawah River Watershed and to define and measure these components using best scientific practices . By measuring and understanding the linkages between these components , we can determine the overall conditions within the Watershed and how components of various habitats respond to environmental stressors . Within this report is our current knowledge of the status of natural habitats within the Kiawah River Watershed . Over time , our understanding of these conditions will improve as we incorporate additional research and monitoring efforts guided by the Conservancy ’ s list of ecological health indicators .
We will continue to work with scientists , experts , and others to prioritize future research in order to anticipate and respond to ecological challenges , while collaborating with community entities to secure the most desirable ecological health of the island . This will serve to keep our island lush and natural , support a thriving native wildlife population , and benefit our human community far into the future .
Ecological Health of Kiawah Island 2022 8