Ecological Health Report (2nd Annual) 2022 | Page 32

Pond management is an important factor for determining pond health . Vegetative buffers are a major influence on pond health , depending on the type of vegetation growing along the banks . Optimal vegetative buffers include tall native grasses and lowgrowing perennials along pond banks with emergent wetland vegetation along the shallow margins . This assemblage of plants mitigates the impacts of stormwater runoff by reducing water flow , intercepting and treating nutrients , and providing resources for pond wildlife . Woody plant growth along pond edges provide ample vegetation for wildlife , but also impact pond health . Overhanging vegetation impedes airflow above pond surfaces , introduces excess nutrients into the water column through leaf litter , and prevents wildlife access to shallow wading areas . Proper air flow across pond surfaces encourages circulation in the water column which regulates nutrients and prevents stagnation . Wading birds utilize the shallow portions of ponds for feeding , which can be impeded by vegetative growth over the pond surfaces . KICA manages overhanging vegetation in the stormwater pond system on a rotating basis to encourage healthy cycling of nutrients , while also improving habitat for wading birds and other aquatic wildlife .
We are still in the development process for determining the appropriate indicators for pond health which will reflect similar analyses mentioned in other sections . It is important to create a baseline set of scientific measurements for key ecological indicators found in this habitat and to monitor changes over time so that potential issues can be addressed and mitigated . The Conservancy plans to work with community entities to ensure the ecological health of our ponds .
Kimbal Kraus
Paul Roberts