Introduction ........................................................... 1 Watershed ............................................................. 3 Ecological Health .................................................... 7 Research .............................................................. 9 Habitats .......................................................... 11-38 Beach .............................................................. 11 Maritime Forest ............................................... 15 Tidal Salt Marsh ............................................... 23 Ponds .............................................................. 29 Shrub Thickets ................................................. 33 Summary .............................................................. 39 Looking Forward .................................................. 45 Cited Sources ....................................................... 47
The Kiawah Island Natural Habitat Conservancy ( Kiawah Conservancy ) is a 501 ( c )( 3 ) non-profit organization which primarily operates as an accredited land trust to preserve natural habitat within the community . Established in 1997 , the Kiawah Conservancy has since protected 2,308 acres of natural habitat within the environs of Kiawah Island .
Adopted in 2020 , the Kiawah Conservancy ’ s 2030 Strategic Plan provides an outline of our future goals which are set forth in the our mission statement : We measure , manage , improve , and advocate for the ecological health of Kiawah Island and its environs . Critical components outlined within the 2030 Strategic Plan are :
• To measure using scientific research and data to measure and establish the baseline level of health in all of Kiawah ’ s habitat types .
• To manage by determining the habitat areas that are or may soon become unhealthy or out of balance and take appropriate actions to stabilize them .