To celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day 2013 , Sfe . Conducted an online contest and asked people to write about any one migratory bird of their choice and also on how it can be protected in not more than 50 words . We received a lot of entries for this competition and also we saw a wide variety of entries with a lot of creativity . One winner was chosen by our judges on basis of originality , creativity , etc .
To celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day 2013 , Sfe . Conducted an online contest and asked people to write about any one migratory bird of their choice and also on how it can be protected in not more than 50 words . We received a lot of entries for this competition and also we saw a wide variety of entries with a lot of creativity . One winner was chosen by our judges on basis of originality , creativity , etc .
Sam Bay
Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary , Dubai , United Arab Emirates , is a wetland reserve renowned for attracting migratory birds in large numbers . The wetlands have large numbers of birds , most interestingly the Greater Flamingo which fascinates me a lot . We have to do our best to encourage the birds ’ return and nest-making . by stopping vehicles and stray dogs going into the area and feeding them twice a day . If the flamingos arent satisfied with the deal at Ras Al Khor , they ’ d no doubt be making a speedy departure
Eco- Youth ( Sfe .) 8