Eco-Rom Ambalaje Magazine No.11, February - April 2014 | Page 2

ecovoice Editorial recycling is in changes in legislation ordEr no. 192/2014 ana maria donos technical and legal consulting sorin cristian Popescu General manager Looking back at our achievements in 2013 and early 2014, one cannot help but notice the invigorating effect of an increase in Eco-Rom Ambalaje’s number of clients and volume of processed materials, for the future development of our company. All our actions and achievements since 2003, as well as the recognized quality of our services to the industry, led to a substantial growth of our client portfolio. Thus, in the first couple of months of 2014, 200 other companies decided to assign their packaging recycling quota to us, bringing the total number of companies benefiting from our services this year to over 3,100. ﬔis situation will also be reflected by the volume of Eco-Rom Ambalaje licensed packaging, where we estimate a 7 percent increase from the packaging quantities licensed last year. The quantity of waste that entered the system from our client companies in 2013 was 21 percent higher than the previous year, which has a regenerative effect on the recycling industry. We expect this trend to continue in 2014 as well. To be prepared for that the future has in store, we will continue to develop our service portfolio and to make our activities even more efficient. We wish to assure our clients that we can cover all of their specific waste and packaging waste management needs, whether generated by changes in national legislation or by the current economic environment. O n February 21, 2014, Order 192 came in effect, aimed at amending Order no. 578/2006 of the Minister of Environment and Water Management for the approval of Calculation Methods for Taxes and Fees Due to the Environment Fund. HERE ARE SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT CHANGES ORDER 192/2014 PROVIDES: 1. Regarding companies that release reusable packaging on the market: >> Requirement to apply a storage system for all companies using reusable packaging; >> Requirement to have accounting records of the value of reusable packaging; >> In the case of reusable packaging the value of which is not clearly specified in relevant documents and which is returned to outside suppliers, this packaging shall be registered with accounting by attribution of a guaranteed value. 2. Regarding companies that meet their own packaging recycling and recovery targets individually: GENERAL TERMS: To contribute to meeting targets of recovery or incineration in energy recovery incineration units, the said companies’ own packaging waste must be: >> registered with accounting as separate stock accounts; >> given a fair accounting value. Own packaging waste can be taken into account as contributing to the fulfillment of recovery or incineration targets in the following four situations: i. The companies’ own packaging waste is recovered/incinerated in energy recovery incineration units by the companies’ own means. ii. The packaging waste is entrusted to a info 2 company that recovers waste or owns an energy recovery incineration unit, based on a contract. This waste must be the subject of a cumulative transaction, as follows: >> own packaging waste sale-purchase transaction >> service agreement for the recovery of packaging waste iii. Packaging waste made of wood is entrusted to natural persons as alternative fuel, based on an invoice. iv. Own packaging waste that cannot be the subject of a sale-purchase transaction, absent of market demand, must be the cumulative subject of: >> a waste pickup service agreement >> a packaging waste recovery service agreement. Both services must be provided companies that can recover waste or own an energy recovery incineration unit. 3. Regarding companies that meet packaging waste recovery and recycling targets by assigning responsibility to third parties: As of March, Eco-Rom Ambalaje will include in its monthly target fulfillment reports both the quantities of packaging waste recovered/incinerated with energy recovery, as well as all the information regarding the names and codes of recovery operations packaging waste is subjected to, per type of material. 4. Regarding companies that wish to sign a responsibility transfer agreement: Starting February 21, 2014, no responsibility transfer agreement can be signed by a company that does not have a Certificate of Fiscal Dues to the Environment Fund. The attesting certificate for companies’ dues to the Environment Fund is issued by the Administration of the Environment Fund on demand, within 10 working days since the request was filed, on condition that the companies’ fiscal statement is updated and correct and valid for 30 days since issuance. Eco-rom ambalaje is also offering its customers information regarding the names and codes of recovery operations packaging waste is subjected to, per type of material.