Eco-Rom Ambalaje Magazine Issue No.12 May - July 2014 | Page 17

“moves” to the yellow box” - and is in progress between May and October 2014. Why did we “change the change”? Starting from the experience of other European countries, we realized that citizens rather associate the yellow box with milk and juice cartons and that they are more easily sorted if collected in the yellow box. ﬔe same opinion was confirmed by sector 1 residents, as seen from a study conducted by Eco-Rom Ambalaje: 21% of the citizens believe that milk and juice cartons should be collected in the yellow box, while only 12% believe they belong in the blue box. ﬔe above-mentioned study also shows that although 84% of the citizens know that milk and juice cartons are recyclable, only 19% put them in the separate collection boxes. More details about the campaign and information about separate collection of packaging waste can be found on 1.2 . SEPARATE COLLECTION OF PACKAGING WASTE FROM HOUSEHOLDS USING THE ”DOOR-TO-DOOR” SYSTEM An efficient and effective IT solution for tracking and monitoring the sacks for separate collection of packaging waste and following the quantities collected has been implemented by Eco-Rom Ambalaje to offer the opportunity for a complete and easy control of processes and resources. ﬔis way, a number of otherwise difficult objectives can be reached: separate collection directly from the owners’ associations, determining the packaging waste quantities originated from the households (HOUSEHOLD flow), as well as a more effective use of resources and accurate calibration for best development. Results • Control of the operational flow. • Better performance by collecting “cleaner” materials. • A flexible system, easily adjusted to local features. 1.3 OUTSOURCED MONITORING Objective and independent monitoring of the separate collection infrastructure in order to obtain more effective information about the state of separate collection systems and an improved decision-making process facilitate dialogue between partners regarding in-the-field management, based on recent, complete and objective information and running precise prognoses and analyses. As the team has always been searching to improve efficiency and the quality of waste management services, their professionalism and enthu- siasm as well as successful partnerships led to a continuous development of separate collection of household generated waste, a very complex, but by no means impossible, feat. And this is only the beginning of the race. ﬔe next 10 years will be even more dynamic and what we have done is only an increment of what we can do together in the future. 2.2 INFRASTRUCTURE EFFICIENCY • Separate collection performance analysis for each system in the portfolio, by a close monitoring of quantitative performance, accurate reporting for each collection channel and avoidance of reported data contamination. 2. CONTROL AND ANALYSIS TOOLS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF SEPARATE COLLECTION SYSTEMS • Automated calculation which takes into account personalized indicators for each city, by analyzing the way resources are allocated independently for each partnership. 2.1 MONITORING AND EvALUATION OF THE SEPARATE COLLECTION INFRASTRUCTURE, CONDUCTED: 2.3 ONLINE qUANTITY REPORTING PLATFORM WITH INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT, WHICH PROvIDES: • ﬔrough an innovative system of collection infrastructure management, using the GPS position of the collection point, photo allocation and recording the information in an application. • Validation of monthly collected and reported quantities. • ﬔe use of Scoring A, B, C with three evaluation criteria: aspect, accessibility and quality of materials, thus improving control in observance of the main features of a well-performing separate collection system. • Individual access to the managed system for each partner -