The national flag of Romania is a tricolor with vertical stripes , from flagpole , blue , yellow and red . It has a ratio of 2 : 3 between width and length . Constitution ( 2003 ) states in Article 12 , paragraph 1 that " the flag of Romania is tricolor ; the colors are arranged vertically in the following order from the flagpole : blue , yellow , red .“
The flag is very similar to civilian Andorra flag and the State of Chad , having no connection with them . The similarity flag Chad flag Romanian differing only slightly darker strip color blue ( indigo rather than cobalt us ) sparked global discussion . Chad Embassy in Moscow to the United Nations submitted a formal protest , requesting that the Romanian flag not be flown to the UN .
Romanian flag also is related to the Moldovan latter but with a different proportion ( 2 : 1 instead of 2 : 3 to November ), a lighter blue (“ Voronet ") and coat of arms in the center .
The Coat of Arms of Romania
Romanian coat of arms adopted by the two Houses of Parliament joint session of September 10 , 1992 , consists of a hawk or an eagle , a shield , with open wings ; holding a cross in its beak and claws a sword and scepter . Between the wings protective shield is divided into five parts including coats of arms of five historical regions : Moldova , Transilvania , Muntenia , Dobrogea and Oltenia .
The coat of arms of Romania was adopted in the Romanian Parliament on 10 September 1992 as a representative coat of arms for Romania .